Today we’d like to introduce you to David Weimer.
Hi David, can you start by introducing yourself? We’d love to learn more about how you got to where you are today.
I started my career in the IT industry in my early twenties and became quite successful in it working my way up the corporate ladder. After almost a decade into it I realized that I hated it, not because it was hard work but because I felt at the end of the day all I accomplished was making a corporation more money.
In my 30’s I decided to change direction and became a Full Time Firefighter/Paramedic knowing that the pay structure was almost 50% lower. There is a saying that we don’t do this to become rich. 2/3 of Fireman have side jobs or businesses. For the last 10 years, I’ve worked side jobs to maintain the level of comfort my family had grown accustomed to. I’ve worked more side jobs than I can remember, from Mall Security (insert Paul Blart joke here) to Emergency Room Technician.
Through this whole time, I had been dabbling in video editing and creation. I was told I had raw talent and needed to fine-tune my skills. During COVID I started talking online classes on video editing and production and Little Buddy Productions was born. I’ve been able to use it as a creative outlet to help Public safety agencies and small businesses tell their stories.
We all face challenges, but looking back would you describe it as a relatively smooth road?
I have been a Full Time Firefighter/Paramedic for around 12 years. Besides family, this is the most rewarding thing I have ever done.
I was working a busy 9-5 corporate job that required travel, the biggest challenge was going through the Fire Academy and EMS while doing my job and finding balance in my home life. Owning my own business lets me control the balance in my life outside of Fire Department.
We work 24 hours on and have 48 hours off which fortunately has given me time to start Little Buddy Productions, which is a video production company that focuses on Public Safety Agencies, Small businesses, and Non-Profits.
My first job was for the 9/11 Memorial Stair Climb, an event in Downtown Dallas that I have participated in for many years that honors the first responders that perished that day. It was rewarding and stressful all at the same time. I felt a big weight because I wanted to get everything just right. I tinkered with the editing for hours just to ensure it was perfect.
I’ve been blessed to work with some great organizations recently. I did my first documentary on the History of Wylie Fire Rescue which spanned from 1909 to present day. I worked with Sam’s Search for a Cure that assist with providing families dealing with juvenile diabetes with the needed testing and equipment.
Whether it’s a Fire Department, Chiropractor, or Non/Profit I love being able to tell someone’s story
Thanks – so what else should our readers know about your work and what you’re currently focused on?
Through this process, I have loved tapping into that creative side of myself. I have been a movie buff my whole life and am a sucker for a good montage. Being a music buff as well, I love how the music tells just as much of the story as the dialogue. The greatest compliment I have ever received was “I thought I was watching something on TV”
What do you think about happiness?
Being of service to others, whether that’s at my full-time job or seeing the reaction when a client sees the final production.
- Business Promo’s: 150$ – 250$ (Includes Drone Footage)
- Real Estate Video’s: 200$ – 250$ (Includes Drone Footage)
- Weddings: 750$ – 2,500$ (Includes Drone Footage)
- Stand Alone Drone Footage 75$/Hour (1-Hour Min)
- Public Safety/Non-Profit (Contact for Quote)
Contact Info:
- Website: www.littlebuddyproductions.com
- Instagram: @littlebuddyprod
- Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/littlebuddyproductions/
- Youtube: https://youtube.com/channel/UCBkxDputec38OUSar9GqMyQ
Image Credits
First Response Photography