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Life & Work with Katelin Barrera of Dallas

Today we’d like to introduce you to Katelin Barrera

Hi Katelin, so excited to have you on the platform. So before we get into questions about your work-life, maybe you can bring our readers up to speed on your story and how you got to where you are today?
Hello my stage name is Rebelle Flor
I’m from Cleburne, Texas but I’m living and based in Dallas, Texas

I sing alternative R&B, Neo soul, Pop and rock music
My roots are gospel and Christian music.
Music has always been a hobby ever since I was little. Since I childhood I used music as a form of expression and I liked to sing in church choir and praise teams until 2016

2022 During the pandemic I would come home from my job at the hospital (I’m a registered nurse as my day job)

Sing and write down things I’d never say out loud but I could sing them. Pondering on if I dived back into music what would I become?

I was unfulfilled I wanted to do music as a form of expression once again but now I’m on my own

I started my artists development journey in 2022 I joined a program called musical mastermind with Melissa Mulligan online courses with weekly zoom calls with other artists that on the same journey

The course taught me how to better my song writing, music production: basic beat creation, vocal mixing & mastering and artist brand identity

Early 2023 I began going to DFW open mics to sing my first song I felt confident to showcase ‘SOS’

I frequented to the ‘love mic’ at Chocolate Secrets in Oak Lawn and from there I began to meet all sorts of creatives, musicians, poets and singers

Which inspired me collaborate with local artist in the Dallas music scene and beyond

I continued to write, produce and release singles throughout the year

Throughout the process I remain consistent and went all the open mics I could find and share my music with the community

I applied to a program called Sofar sounds and I’m in the roster of DFW artists

So, with all that work I had completed. It was time to do what I had always wanted to do artistically.

In September 2023 I quietly started working on my album

Watch me while I bloom: the album

Watch me while I bloom is my personal analogy for surviving through life. Sometimes dirt kicked on you and you’re down on the ground. But once I grow from the dirt – you gotta watch me while I bloom. The 12-track 39 minute project released January 2024. I expand on topics of self discovery,
Acceptance, family, mental health, love, and owning ourselves flaws & all.

Some situations will have you screaming SOS. And the only way to other side is through but you must keep going.

April 2024 I volunteered for
the Deep Ellum community arts festival
And I had the pleasure to be a performer with a band of amazing musicians.
Being on stage, meeting new people and embracing other artists was a ball. I would love to do more festivals and sing at DECAF in 2025

Through DECAF I met my artist manager Callie Dee representing Red Empire
and I’m really grateful she has taken a chance on me my art and teaching my how to monetize my gifts.

This year I’ve been releasing new singles and collaborating with artists that have good work ethic

My future goals are to be more involved in the community through service or offering workshops in my skills. I hope to have my music sync licensed into TV and film, perform at different festivals. I would love to make a song with Tay Money some day. She’s seems so bubbly & nice and I think her and I could create a fire song.
I want Host pop up shows in beautiful locations around DFW. I wanna show Dallas more love

Alright, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
self doubt mainly and not focusing on the negative. Mindset is key and it will preserve you and your relationships. This year I learned
It’s okay to ask for help and to receive it. I’m visionary so at times I’ll try to tackle all these tasks and I burn myself out. Balancing what’s necessary and what can go.

Also, not taking situations/ things personal. Being a musician/artist is chaotic & beautiful enough. A piece of advice that refocuses me

“Ride the wave”

Appreciate you sharing that. What else should we know about what you do?
I sing songwrite and produce my own music. I specialize in online brand identity and am a creative director: my niche is hilighting small businesses that impact the community
for example:

Cooking the details – cooking school
Square wave live – practice space
Chocolate secrets – gourmet chocolate bar
Starconz – talent agency
Red empire – artist management
Spin vinyl coffee – coffee shop

What sets me apart is my ability to give something to myself after someone tells me no. If I’m not able to secure a stage at a venue, I’ll make my own stage and have my own show. I don’t allow people to stop me from accomplishing what God has put in my heart to do.

My goals for 2025 is to see how I can be involved in the community through service.

We’d be interested to hear your thoughts on luck and what role, if any, you feel it’s played for you?
I believe God, good luck and a support system has played a major role in my life.

bad luck is venues closing down 5 days before your show. RIP Federales Deep Ellum

Good luck fostering relationships with beat makers and producers to create a track based around my voice. I met some of my closest friends through music since 2022.

I’m lucky & blessed that my family and friends support me and empower me to continue sharing my gift with the world.

Lucky that sofar dfw accepting me on the second time applying


  • Patio gigs $300
  • Weddings $300
  • Content creation $50 per post

Contact Info:

Image Credits
Juju creative space photography
Alex Leffall
Captured by Jacob

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