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Life & Work with Kebron Araya of Richardson

Today we’d like to introduce you to Kebron Araya

Hi Kebron, thanks for sharing your story with us. To start, maybe you can tell our readers some of your backstory.
I’m from Dallas, Texas. Born and raised. My Family and I are East African. I’ve always been into Art and Fashion ever since I was young. I used to sketch a lot of anime in my teen years. I remember I would make a lot of profit of selling my drawings in school. My mother still keeps most of my drawings to show me for motivation at times. Art brings the peace in me.

I started my clothing business in 2020. During Covid time, The activities I did daily were canceled. My mother played a huge role in this chapter of my life because she was knitting clothes and making Jesus Crosses with beads every single day. It inspired me to get a sewing machine and make clothes. She’s been encouraging and supporting me through it all. She taught me how to sew. My mother and many of my friends have told me to get back into my art but I never listened. When a lot of people tell you something repeatedly it’s a sign from God. God was speaking to me through my mother. I took my mother’s word and applied it into action. It has taken me places I’ve never been before and I’m truly thankful for my strong mother mostly.

Behind the story of my logo is so personal to me. It’s a half ape and half human. Tumbili means Ape in Swahili. My mother and I made it. I’ve always been fascinated with apes. They’re so free spirited and independent. I look at myself as an introverted person who was scared of taking on any leading challenges. Always thinking about being criticized. Which made me more of a follower growing up. I was a huge over-thinker. Uplifting and encouraging others with their talents was what I was doing most of the time.. The moment I let go of people’s criticisms in the future is the moment I became free. I created this brand to first remind myself of my journey and to help others who’ve been struggling in leadership. I want to inspire more people to take ownership in their craft and be free thinkers. Everyone has the ability to do so.

I went to a very expensive school and graduated as a Graphic Artist. No matter how expensive it was, My mother did whatever it took to keep me in school. I remember I used to call her every month to ask if she can pay for my rent and half of my classes. Those were some struggling times for us. It was a lot of sleepless nights. My on-campus job wasn’t enough to pay my rent or school. There were many moments where I almost gave up on school. Looking back at my mother’s sacrifices, I could never understand how she made all of this possible for me. A hardworking single mother taking care of three boys all by herself and made sure we pursued our dreams is what has driven me to do what Im doing today. I was in a long never ending tunnel in school but my mother has always seen the light at the end of the tunnel. She always saw the potential. I just had to trust God and my Mother.

I’m sure it wasn’t obstacle-free, but would you say the journey has been fairly smooth so far?
I’ve had my ups and downs in this business but I love every second of it. There’s so much growth in it. Everyday I’m learning something new and I’m always looking for the next challenge. That’s how it suppose to be. My journey has to be uncomfortable or else I’m not living.

One of my biggest challenges is trusting my direction in the beginning. I knew that if I focused more on the love of my work then everything will fall into place. Being reminded of why you’re doing it helps you to move forward with your purpose.

Alright, so let’s switch gears a bit and talk business. What should we know about your work?
I sew and make sweaters, hoodies and bags.I love to create Clothes/Bags for the black culture and anything else that interest me.

I’m mostly proud of the impact and energy I’ve brought throughout this whole journey on social media. I’ve seen many people who’ve started their own creative content or Business and I’m just so proud of them. Stepping into something from scratch is hard but it’s well worth it. I hope my story can inspire many more people.

I’m also proud of my accomplishments. I’ve collaborated with so many unique people and created a cool fan base. I’m looking forward to expanding and meeting more new people.

Alright so before we go can you talk to us a bit about how people can work with you, collaborate with you or support you?


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