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Life & Work with Kennedy Simone Freeney of Midlothian

Today we’d like to introduce you to Kennedy Simone Freeney.

Kennedy Simone Freeney

Hi Kennedy, thanks for joining us today. We’d love for you to start by introducing yourself. 
It all started when I was just five years old, a child ready to explore the world of dance and pageantry. Little did I know that these two programs would shape my life in unimaginable ways. Dance became my passion, my outlet for self-expression, while pageants taught me the value of service, honed my interview skills, and bolstered my public speaking abilities. 

The year 2021 marked a turning point in my life as I finally took the leap and launched my very own platform called L.E.A.P. – Lead, Empower, Aspire with Purpose. This platform has become a vessel for creating programs that empower young girls to become leaders and pursue their dreams with unwavering determination. Although L.E.A.P is a vision in progress I am honored with the privilege to work with incredible young minds, helping to guide them toward their full potential and instilling in them the belief that they can achieve anything they set their hearts and minds to. 

In 2022, I was honored to become an ambassador for Brown Girls do Ballet (BGDB), an organization dedicated to promoting diversity in the world of ballet. This role has opened doors for me to venture into diverse communities, where I have the opportunity to teach ballet techniques to young girls who possess a burning passion for dance but may lack the resources to pursue it fully. Being able to share my love for ballet and inspire these young dancers fills my heart with immense joy. 

I had the privilege of co-authoring the book “Road to the Crown Vol. II,” a collaborative effort that brings our inspiring stories together. It offers a profound exploration of the impact of beauty pageants while also serving as a reminder of the immense potential we all possess to create positive change in our communities. This incredible project allowed me to share my personal journey of self-confidence and provide guidance and motivation to others who aspire to make their mark on the pageant world. 

My journey doesn’t stop there. As my platform grows, my vision expands. My ultimate goal with L.E.A.P. is to partner with churches, community centers, and even daycares to volunteer and teach ballet, forging connections with children who may not have had access to such opportunities otherwise. By nurturing these relationships, I hope to inspire them to create their own outreach programs, become leaders in their communities, and ignite the flames of passion and inspiration within others. 

As of today, I am humbled to announce that I have co-authored my second book, “Road to the Crown Vol. III,” a book that truly speaks to the power of breaking down barriers and speaking up against mental health challenges. And to top it all off, I am currently honored to hold the title of Miss Texas Jr. High United States 2023, a role that allows me to embody the principles of leadership, empowerment, and purpose in every step I take. 

Can you talk to us a bit about the challenges and lessons you’ve learned along the way? Looking back, would you say it’s been easy or smooth in retrospect?
Starting this path hasn’t been easy, especially as a young individual trying to make a difference. I soon realized that there were limitations on where I could volunteer due to my age. However, I am incredibly grateful for organizations like Mission Arlington, Fannie C Harris Youth Center, Ellis County Outreach, and my church, which allow young individuals like me to contribute through community service. Without their support, it would have been much harder to fulfill my passion for serving others. 

Contrary to popular belief, pageants are about much more than just pretty dresses and crowns. They require dedication and countless hours of service. Community service plays a significant role in our overall scores. I learned early on that to succeed in the pageant world; I had to commit myself to make a tangible impact in my community. It was during this process that the concept of LEAP first emerged in my mind back in 2016 (I actually got the name from a movie!). At the time, I was only seven years old, and transforming my idea into a reality seemed like an overwhelming task. Although LEAP was born as an idea, it wasn’t until 2021 that I was finally able to introduce my platform to the world. Looking back, I can admit that I might not have been fully prepared at that time. 

I vividly remember an experience during a national pageant when a judge asked me about my platform, and I had to respond that I didn’t have one. When I received the judge’s comments later, I saw the simple statement, “No platform?” The impact of that question hit me hard, as it became clear that without a platform, I lacked a clear purpose, a “why” that would guide my journey. As a result, I didn’t make it to the top 10, and it was a pivotal moment for me. It was then that I knew I needed to launch my platform and share my purpose with the world. 

Since that moment, I have dedicated myself to developing and expanding LEAP. It has become my reason, my driving force to create positive change. While the journey has been filled with obstacles, I have grown stronger, more determined, and more focused on my mission. Each setback has propelled me forward, reminding me of the importance of perseverance and resilience. 

As I continue to evolve, I am committed to making a meaningful impact on the lives of young girls. LEAP is not just a platform; it is a movement aimed at empowering future leaders, encouraging them to follow their dreams with unwavering determination. By combining the power of dance and the principles I have learned from pageantry, I hope to inspire others to discover their own passions and create change in their communities. 

I am grateful for everyone who has supported me on this journey, from the organizations that allow me to serve at a young age to the mentors who have guided me along the way. Together, we can break down barriers, challenge stereotypes, and create a world where age is not a limitation to making a difference. 

Uncertainty. They have shaped me into the person I am today, and they will continue to fuel my determination to make a lasting impact. With LEAP as my guiding light, I am ready to write the next chapter of my journey and inspire others to discover their own “why” and their own path to making a difference. 

As you know, we’re big fans of you and your work. For our readers who might not be as familiar, what can you tell them about what you do?
As I prepare to embark on my high school journey, I am filled with excitement and determination. Academic excellence has always been a top priority for me, and I am committed to maintaining the same level of dedication and achieving straight A’s throughout high school, just as I did in junior high. Education is a crucial aspect of my life, and I believe it lays the foundation for a successful future. 

However, my aspirations don’t end with academics alone. I am also venturing into college courses alongside my high school studies, ensuring that I challenge myself and pursue knowledge beyond the traditional curriculum. It may be a demanding path, but I am ready to embrace the challenge and make the most of every opportunity that comes my way. 

In addition to my academic pursuits, I am engaged in a multitude of extracurricular activities that fuel my passion and drive. I am thrilled to share that I have secured a place in the company dance at Dream Dance Conservatory, allowing me to immerse myself in my love for dance and take my skills to new heights. Being a part of the varsity drill team as a Pantherette is another incredible opportunity that I am grateful for, as it allows me to showcase my talents, discipline, and teamwork on a larger stage. 

But my journey doesn’t stop there. I am also pursuing a career as a model and actor, further expanding my horizons and exploring different facets of the performing arts. These experiences not only enrich my life but also provide valuable skills and perspectives that I can carry into all aspects of my future endeavors. 

Speaking of the future, my long-term goals are nothing short of ambitious. One of my dreams is to become a professional dancer, honing my craft and captivating audiences with my performances. Beyond that, I aspire to establish my own dance studio, creating a space where aspiring dancers can find inspiration, nurture their talents, and pursue their own dreams. 

And that’s just the beginning. I have an array of remarkable long-term goals that I am eager to unveil in my future books. Each chapter of my life will bring new adventures, lessons, and milestones, and I am excited to document my experiences and share them with the world. Through my writing, I hope to inspire others to chase their dreams relentlessly and to believe in the power of perseverance and self-belief. 

As I step into high school and beyond, I am filled with gratitude for the opportunities that lie ahead and the support I have received thus far. I am determined to make the most of every moment, embracing the challenges and celebrating the victories along the way. With unwavering passion, dedication, and a clear vision of my dreams, I am ready to take on the world and leave an indelible mark. 

So, before we go, how can our readers or others connect or collaborate with you? How can they support you?
I firmly believe in the power of collaboration and having a strong support system. No great achievement is accomplished alone, and I am grateful for the village that surrounds and uplifts me. If you share a similar vision or would like to contribute to my endeavors, I warmly welcome you to reach out to me through my website, Together, we can create a positive impact, inspire others, and make a difference in the lives of young girls and beyond. 

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Image Credits

Steven D Hill
Shea Anne

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