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Life & Work with Maya Beasley of Dallas, Texas

Today we’d like to introduce you to Maya Beasley

Maya , we appreciate you taking the time to share your story with us today. Where does your story begin?
I’ve always loved music. As a kid, my music taste was literally everywhere. I would go from blasting Avril Lavigne’s “Girlfriend” to Biggie’s “Suicidal Thoughts”. My family was very confused by all the many stages I went through as an adolescent, but I’ve always just soaked everything in like a sponge when it came to “the arts”, and I feel like it ultimately made me the unpredictable and rebellious artist/person that I am today. I tell people all the time. Don’t ever try to box me in. I’m always experimenting with different sounds and mediums. Life is one big canvas and I’m just here to create as much as I can in hopes that it’ll inspire others to do the same.

We all face challenges, but looking back would you describe it as a relatively smooth road?
Not at all. I always joke about my life being a series of unfortunate events, but because I’m such a jokester and I tend to smile through the pain, no one seems to take me serious in thinking that I go through shit too. I grew up in a very abusive household. So to get away, I lived with my aunt on and off growing up till I was about 21. That lady is literally my light in this life. Although, she’s no longer with me, she recently passed a few years ago, she is the reason I go so hard with everything that I do. She always embraced me, the good and the bad. I was raised by her to be a warrior. Never give up. Always keep fighting the good fight, but do it with love. That’s why I’m so tunnel vision with my dreams & goals now.

Alright, so let’s switch gears a bit and talk business. What should we know about your work?
Im an upcoming rapper and singer. I think what I’m most proud of is of my perseverance to keep going, even with the odds against me. I make music for the outcasts and the rebellious souls. My sound is a bit more on the alternative side so as a black girl, that shocks some people and sometimes will have them stereotype me as “the weird girl”. I’ll take it. I feel so many range of emotions and I feel like my music reflects that. You mad and need to let some anger out? I have a song for that. You having a blissful day and just wanting to take it all in? I have a song for that too. Whatever emotion you feeling, I most likely felt it as well and put it into a song. I love being able to communicate in that way. & connecting with others through music knowing that I help them transmute that emotion as well… it’s literally the icing on the cake for me.

What matters most to you? Why?
Love. Regardless of if it’s a person or a thing, doing what you love and being surrounded by people that you love is the number one thing that matters most to me. I’ve always lived by the saying “do what you love, and love what you do.” I feel like when you move with love and faith, it’s a beautiful way to live. I literally wouldn’t want to live life any other way.

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