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Life & Work with Moon of The Colony

Today we’d like to introduce you to Moon

Hi Moon, we’d love for you to start by introducing yourself.
I’m an island girl with western roots that found myself moving to Dallas, Texas coming out of a very dark time in life. Healing from a very toxic relationship, exiting a draining party stage, no money to my name, broken relationship and recovering from heart break from my immediate family and friends. I tried all forms of healing and growing up so fast due to an incarcerated father and deceased mother. I moved to Dallas after “mysteriously” surviving my overdose that doctors could not medically explain. My nurse told me angels were around me, I didn’t believe in all that stuff. I was angry with God-my life starting with trauma so young was unfair. I didn’t care about a God and what he could hopefully do. Moving to Dallas suddenly, I knew I needed a fresh start. I didn’t know anyone but a few family members who lived here. I tried healing in ways my ancestors raised me in a traditional church, spreading myself thin in therapy knowing more ways to heal myself than what professionals could provide me. I was always gifted and “special” growing up. I was raised by two people that I was taught weren’t good people but I lost them both young age and felt so alone. They taught me to be a free spirit, live life with joy, faith, and no regrets. Good parenting from a Sagittarius and a Gemini. So one day 8 years ago I got a reading that changed my life..the reading itself was accurate but something in my spirit told me it was a part of my destiny. In 2019, I decided to launch my page that was formally known as lunamoona, now, Moon Metamorphosis. I started doing readings and my first reading I ever gave someone they told me “you’re the reason I want to be here today. You ignited a purpose in me and
Gave me a reason to keep going” on that very day, I knew God had a plan for me. Now in 2025, 30 years old, I am healthy, whole, I’ve never trusted and loved myself more than I have today and changing over 5K + lives through what I was laughed at and shamed for. Today I stand in my truth and strength with a relationship with God and myself that I never could predict. Had the most unbelievable opportunities to work with incredible creators and artist turned close friends, that opened doors for me that are usually only available for big names (won’t he do it!!) My mission as Moon Metamorphosis is to bring you closer to yourself, your purpose and destiny and create an unapologetic life only you and God can create. I’m blessed to say this is just the beginning of a life I once hated and pushed to end, to my first breath of life at 30 years old.

Can you talk to us a bit about the challenges and lessons you’ve learned along the way. Looking back would you say it’s been easy or smooth in retrospect?
Listen, I’ve been through a lot in life but can you believe as a formal people pleaser, my biggest challenge has been to stop letting every opinion get in my way. Stop seeking approval, and stop caring about what the next human that doesn’t pay my bills nor loves my heart stress me. I’m too bad ass for that(wait can I say that?) I had to defend my name with strangers, former friends, even some judgemental family members. Nothing in vain- it was all apart of the plan. Stay focused. Don’t worry about everything around you. If it leaves your life, God has a greater plan.

Thanks – so what else should our readers know about your work and what you’re currently focused on?
I used to identify as a healer, but I actually identify as a mentor. I’m self made and self grown. My work came from my roots of who I’ve been all along. I specialize in alchemy, in mentorship whether this is done with divination or coaching sessions. My expertise comes from experience. I never thought I’d have so many people from across the world would want me to guide them but here I am. What separates me from the rest? I’m patient, I’m grounded, I’m unapologetically myself, and my energy and work and speaks for itself. The proof is in her blessings. My sauce is showing my clients they have it in them too. Making them work for it daily.

Do you have any advice for those just starting out?
My best advice? Stop trying to have it all together. Be yourself. Stop looking for an audience, approval, or proof of your success. There’s nothing I wish I knew more of because I trusted my intuitive feelings through the process. Trust yourself, follow your passions. If the world falls apart today, would you be proud of what you offered?

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