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Life & Work with The Dak Attack! of Arlington, TX

Today we’d like to introduce you to The Dak Attack!

Hi The Dak, can you start by introducing yourself? We’d love to learn more about how you got to where you are today?
Growing up a lifelong Cowboys fan and sports fanatic I always knew at some point I would want to craft career around my passions.

After attending the University of Texas at Arlington, joining Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity as a sophomore and later leaving college due to a combination of personally inflicted wounds, bad luck, and financial struggles; I found myself at a crossroads that included sleeping out of my car for stretches of time and working at a fast casual joint for as many hours as they would allow until I could get back on my feet.

After going into a year of incubation, growth, and relentless hard work; I found myself celebrating the success of being a 21 year old college drop out who managed to work themselves into a position where I was comfortably making above the national average in salary.

However, something inside of me still wasn’t satisfied; I wasn’t living in my purpose, in God’s purpose. I knew the path I was on was a limited one that would eventually prevent me from being able to have the influence and impact I wanted to have on this world.

So, I took matters into my own hands.

Now, with a fiancé and child; I knew I had to start betting on myself so I could provide the life I wanted to for the people that were closest to me. I began living by a new slogan; “monetize your habits”. I started making content for the things I was most passionate about which just so happens to include analyzing, critiquing, and studying the game of football.

I was shown very early on that the path I had chosen was the correct one with my original ventures as a Gaming Content Creator. I built a platform of over 35,000 subscribers on YouTube which allowed me to work with various companies, advertisers, and sponsors over the course of a 3 year stretch. This allowed me to move into a full-time position as a content creator which is when I began to shift my focus towards what I loved the most. Football.

I began covering the Dallas Cowboys in 2023 which is when I quickly became “the voice of the voiceless” via “The Dak Attack! Show”, defending Dallas Cowboys players and fans from the psychological assault constantly levied against “America’s Team”.

With my exuberant, edgy, highly articulate fact-based analysis, I quickly became a fan favorite amongst Cowboys fans and Dak Prescott supporters growing my platform to over 20,000 subscribers just within the first year. Popular for providing entertaining, factual, (and sometimes harsh) retorts to some of the most notorious “Cowboys Haters” on National TV programs and within our own fanbase, I am currently in the process of expanding “The Dak Attack! Show” into one of the most reliable, knowledgeable, and entertaining hubs for Cowboys fans to get their Cowboys-related content and analysis from.

Throughout this first year I have had a chance to work alongside some of the most notable Dallas Cowboys influencers, help host Live NFL Draft events at bars around the Stadium in Arlington, and have had a chance to network with people close to the Cowboys organization. Now, we are gearing up for our second season of bigger and better Dallas Cowboys coverage and defending The Star.

We all face challenges, but looking back would you describe it as a relatively smooth road?
The road definitely hasn’t been smooth. I essentially had to learn everything on the fly as a young man and made a ton of mistakes along the way that made things a lot more complicated for myself than they should have been.

Add in trying to maintain being an involved, show up to everything, father and husband while dealing with the natural issues that comes along with entrepreneurship, the road has been anything but easy, but that hard-work and long sleepless nights are finally starting to bare fruit and it’s an exciting situation to be in.

As you know, we’re big fans of you and your work. For our readers who might not be as familiar what can you tell them about what you do?
I began covering the Dallas Cowboys in 2023 which is when I quickly became “the voice of the voiceless” via “The Dak Attack! Show”, defending Dallas Cowboys players and fans from the psychological assault constantly levied against “America’s Team”.

With my exuberant, edgy, highly articulate fact-based analysis, I quickly became a fan favorite amongst Cowboys fans and Dak Prescott supporters growing my platform to over 20,000 subscribers just within the first year. Popular for providing entertaining, factual, (and sometimes harsh) retorts to some of the most notorious “Cowboys Haters” on National TV programs and within our own fanbase, I am currently in the process of expanding “The Dak Attack! Show” into one of the most reliable, knowledgeable, and entertaining media platforms for Cowboys fans to get their Cowboys-related content and analysis from.

Throughout this first year I have had a chance to work alongside some of the most notable Dallas Cowboys influencers, help host Live NFL Draft events at bars around the Stadium in Arlington, and have had a chance to network with people close to the Cowboys organization.

What would you say have been one of the most important lessons you’ve learned?
Success is the product of hard-work and taking advantages of opportunities when they arise. There are no short-cuts. If you want to be able to rest easy at night, make sure you do things the right way and do right by the people you come across even if that sentiment isn’t always reciprocated,

More than anything though, I learned to trust in God’s plan and trust in myself and what I’m capable of.

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