Today we’d like to introduce you to Will Jordan.
Hi Will, can you start by introducing yourself? We’d love to learn more about how you got to where you are today?
I was born and raised in Dallas Texas oak cliff America. Home of the stars. Music has always been an inspiration in my life even as a child singing in the church choir and eventually joining the church band as a trumpet player. The way the band would play and how the people reacted to the notes being played would forever touch my soul. As I got older, I would transfer to DeSoto East middle school and it was here I begin to dive more into my artistry. Attending choir class when I didn’t have it as a class, performing at the school assemblies, and singing for the district’s superintendent meetings were ways I got to develop and attempt to find my sound. In high school junior year is the time I decided I wanted to be an artist and that I had what it takes. I Recorded in the car on the phone for my first few songs till I was referred to a studio and been developing my sound since then. It was times doubt crept up but if you don’t believe in yourself who will. It’s been sometimes music was the only thing I felt I had and I’m glad I kept getting better by not quitting. Grateful for all the people that believed in me even when I know my music wasn’t the best at the time. A good circle is everything. I’ve met so many people that helped me along the way and I wouldn’t be here without them. Genuine organic relationships. Real love no fake love.
Alright, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall, and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
It has not all been a smooth road, as an independent artist most of if not all costs for studio video models, etc. is coming out of pocket of the artist. So, trying to find a good balance between my passion and my duties as a man brother, and son. Other struggles are the people you meet along the way I’m real careful about my energy and the energy of others. If we can vibe on the same frequency poor communication or disrespect cannot be tolerated. The last struggle is dealt with is having a strong Will to keep putting out quality content regardless if it may seem or if no one’s tapping in. I’m make music because I love to do it not for the gratification of others but it is appreciated when it happens. It’s people you don’t know that will ride harder for you than the people you already know. When people get too close to the light they could be blinded.
Alright, so let’s switch gears a bit and talk business. What should we know about your work?
My Artist’s name is WILLTHEWISE. W.I.S.E. Stands for the “wisdom inside self-elevates” and it means to be your best version you must learn appreciate and invest in self so that love can be expressed in our reality and can be shared. I am a singer, rapper, songwriter, actor, model, creative director, and fashion designer, etc. Most people know of me for my music and for the ones that really know me for my mind and insights about life. What sets me apart from the rest is my versatility, adaptability, and creativity. I’m truly one of a kind.
Any big plans?
Yes, my plans for the future consist of being on a TV network called Varsity BPM on all Roku TVs and available online I’ll be a part of a reality show based in Dallas called Behind the mic. I’m continuing to drop music consistently and I plan to expand by creative directing my videos and other artist or Business owners as well.
- Features – $40
- Write a song or verse for you – $50
- Creative Directing – $100
Contact Info:
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Image Credits
Big Nysse
Ty dozier