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Meet Alex Fender and Dane Kuiper of Funnel Science in Plano

Today we’d like to introduce you to Alex Fender and Dane Kuiper.

Alex and Dane, let’s start with your story. We’d love to hear how you got started and how the journey has been so far.
In 2009, I had just returned from home from serving in the United States Marine Corps for 8 years. I returned home and back to work at a company I founded in 2006. I noticed that my business partner was wasting away tens of thousands of dollars from buying leads for our sales team. I told him maybe if we applied science to our sales funnel that we might get a better outcome. In the summer of 2009 was the first time I coined Funnel Science and a year later the company was started.

The company first started as a service company helping clients with digital marketing and increasing leads. Sales and online ROI. We spent 4 years working on Funnel Science the software. Which is a predictive analytic tool that businesses use to increase sales.

Today we have worked with 1,000’s of companies mostly in the United States and about 50 global companies. We have won Google All-Stars competition 4 years in a row and also won the Veteran Business Battle in 2017. Alex has spoken at events around the country including at the Federal Reserve Bank in Dallas, TX and the Small Business Administration.

Great, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
Definitely not a smooth road and there have been many obstacles. We have been running for more than 7 years and have accomplished a lot. One of the greatest struggles we face is the pace at which technology changes. This is a major obstacle for people to overcome as they have to constantly keep pace. In today’s environment, our employees have to learn, unlearn, and then relearn as Google constantly updates their search engine. Then other companies like Facebook and YouTube have created new platforms that can accelerate customer acquisition. As technology changes, we have to change and adapt too.

Funnel Science – what should we know? What do you guys do best? What sets you apart from the competition?
Funnel Science is known as AdWords PPC Experts and we have specialized SEO software. We are Google Premier Partners and have won many competitions including Google All-Stars.

Funnel Science has specialized software that tracks phone calls, webforms, text messages, click fraud, and customers actions in the sales funnel. Our reporting tracks sales pipeline, revenue, ROI, Keyword ROI, Campaign ROI, and even earnings per click. Funnel Science software has machine learning to predict which customer’s will buy and which will not. The machine learning helps with click fraud, spam and junk quality traffic.

What moment in your career do you look back most fondly on?
I have accomplished many of my life’s goals before 35 years old. The proudest moment so far is taking my idea and executing well enough to launch a company and build the software. This company now allows me to live out my dreams, buy a house, restore a 1969 mustang, and take regular vacations with my family. The company I built from scratch provides for my family and many others.

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