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Meet Alex Lipari of Fort Worth

Today we’d like to introduce you to Alex Lipari

Hi Alex, we’d love for you to start by introducing yourself.
Came down to Fort Worth from Kansas City to go to TCU. While at school, and after graduation, I worked at a small non-profit called The Net working with and building relationships with people experiencing homelessness. To supplement income while working at The Net, I picked up trash, then worked at a coffee shop, then finally got my license and started doing real estate. When I first got my license, the goal was to find a flexible job that I could make an extra 20-30k a year doing so I could continue working at The Net, which is what I was really passionate about. When Covid hit, The Net refocused and restructured and I started doing real estate full time.
Now, my real estate business has grown to the point where i get to dictate my schedule allowing me to spend a lot of time with my wife and young kids (2 boys with baby girl coming in October!) In addition, my big mission in life is to invest in real estate and the community by purchasing and fixing up properties, then partnering with local npo’s to offer better affordable housing than what currently exists.

Would you say it’s been a smooth road, and if not what are some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced along the way?
Overall, it has been a fairly smooth road. I have been hugely fortunate to have support from family, friends, and colleagues. Through all of the turmoil of the last few years in real estate, my business has remained steady. I attribute it mostly to the relational trust i’ve built over the years.
The main challenges i’ve encountered have been on the investing side. Renovations all have their own challenges, but with some recent projects, i’ve run into zoning issues with the city and been able to work with neighborhoods and the city council to ensure the affordable housing projects align with the big picture vision for the neighborhood and city.

Alright, so let’s switch gears a bit and talk business. What should we know about your work?
Buying or selling a home is a big and important decision. But just because it’s important doesn’t mean it can’t be fun. So I focus on two things in every deal:

1. Clarity and transparency. In order to make a good decision, a person has to fully know what they are doing. I spend a lot of time and energy with clients ensuring they understand the process, where we currently stand, and what is coming next.

2. I consistently ask myself, “What can I do to allow this process to be fun and memorable for my client.” Of course the end result of buying the home they want is critical, but people really remember the way you made them feel.

How can people work with you, collaborate with you or support you?
A few ways!
1. Would love to help anyone buy/sell real estate.
2. Running a solely referral based business, referrals are always a huge support.
3. If anyone has knowledge of deals that may be a good fit for affordable housing, I am on the hunt for more. The need is huge!

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