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Meet Alexandria Linton of Dallas, TX

Today we’d like to introduce you to Alexandria Linton

Hi Alexandria, we’re thrilled to have a chance to learn your story today. So, before we get into specifics, maybe you can briefly walk us through how you got to where you are today?
I started in the medical sales space when I was 22 year old. I was finishing my undergraduate degree at Arizona State University at the time and took a marketing internship with regenerative aesthetic company. Knowing nothing about medical sales, I decided to fully submerge myself in being a sponge within the organization so I could further my career. After completing my 8-week internship program and graduating, I decided to interview for an inside sales position within the same organization and ended up accepting the offer. I learned everything I could about sales, including cold calling, prospecting, elevator pitches, and understanding the psychological component to being a successful salesperson. After about six months of tedious work and networking with tenured reps, I called the VP of sales and asked to interview for a regional manager/outside sales rep position. After interviewing, the executive leadership discussing my interview and reviewing my 30-60-90 day plan (I had never formulated one in my life and did an unnecessary amount of detailed research on it). I was called within 24 hours of my last interview and presented the offer for the regional manager position, which is how I got started as a medical sales rep in the field at 23 years old.

Can you talk to us a bit about the challenges and lessons you’ve learned along the way. Looking back would you say it’s been easy or smooth in retrospect?
Absolutely not. I have had the highest of high’s and lowest of low’s. I had no support or structure when starting this role, which made it all that more challenging to be successful. While it was EXTREMELY difficult, I now look back and am grateful for going through that process because it taught me how to be a well rounded sales rep.

The amount of times I cried, faced rejection, was told I would never succeed was a major struggle for me. After finding highly respected peers within my network, I will never forget the feeling of being someone who is new, lost, confused and stressed. It is exceptionally hard and not for the faint of heart.

Can you tell our readers more about what you do and what you think sets you apart from others?
I am now a Territory Director for a company that does premier PCR infectious disease testing to streamline business for the healthcare industry. I am so honored to be a part of a company whose mission is to get people healthier faster. I am known for my intensity and very strong work ethic. I am most proud of how quickly I have excelled in my professional career at 26 years old to receive high levels of recognition and support from my peers/network.

If there is something that sets me apart from others, it is my ability to be highly self aware. In a sales based role or any client relationship role, people need the ability to understand others, their logic, and how to be an asset to them in more than just a business perspective. Being able to also receive feedback, ask for help, and surround yourself with high-level thinking individuals has been a critical part of my success both professionally and personally,

What was your favorite childhood memory?
I don’t think I have a favorite childhood memory. I just have a favorite person who made everything in my childhood more enjoyable. My father has been such a mogul in the biological space and in my personal life. Everything I have accomplished and become is attributed of him. My father has taught me everything I know not only professionally, but personally. If I have the chance to be 1% of the person he is each day, I do. He is the person I look up to in every way and could not express how much gratitude and love I have for him.

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