Today we’d like to introduce you to A’londa L. Barber aka LonnieB
A’londa, can you briefly walk us through your story – how you started and how you got to where you are today.
Absolutely. Nine years ago, I prayed and totally surrendered my life to god. I told god it did not matter what I had to lose, how much it hurt, or how much it cost I wanted to be totally delivered from an alternative lifestyle without any residue. God did just that!
See it took me 38 years to own up to who I was and to accept the life god had for me because I spent so much time trying to live up to the expectations of other and who they thought I should be.
Today I am open and candid about a life I lived of darkness and how god’s light revealed to me his workmanship. I am currently traveling from city to city sharing my personal testimony and journey of once being a sista on the downlow. I am also excited that in spring 2020, I will be on tour with four other ladies as we talk about our life’s journey and promote our books. Check out our website www. Dallasinspireddivas.com
My purpose for sharing my story is to encourage others to walk in their truth at that very second because it only takes a second for your life to change. We spend so much time living our life for others, trying to please them that before we know it we have forgotten who we really are and our purpose in life the interesting thing about this is we try to hide it from god the one who already knows about us according to Jeremiah 29:11
I challenge others to ask themselves daily are they w.i.y.t?
Walking in your truth
Great, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
Let me say this, I have been blessed on this journey but it definitely has not been a smooth road since September 24, 2010 the day my life changed
The last decade has truly been a physical and emotional roller coaster, but I would not trade it for nothing. All I can do is sing nobody but Jesus
God delivered and restored me
Lost everything
Started barukh1 an organization to assist women who have been affected by life changing situations and/or circumstances
Started a new job
Started speaking & sharing my testimony
Got married
God removed people out of my life and I sat silent listening to god
The struggle was real. I felt all alone
God revealed his promise and my propose to me
Started writing my first book, journey of a sista on the downlow
Co-host on my sisstas keeper online radio show
God began to restore me spiritually, financially and naturally
Purchased new home
Released first book
Traveled with behind the ghost book tour
Started new job
Ran for Desoto ISD school board
Joined jubilee church
Purchased new car
Started writing second book
Revitalized barukh1
Revitalized lonnieb creative designs
Branded #iamlonnieb
Begin preparation for We D.I.D. It Tour
So overall I can say is this, the day I began to walk in my truth is the day god began to fulfill his will and promise for my life
Please tell us about I am LonnieB.
I am lonnieb is an author, a graphic designer and brandologist. My company is lonnieb creative designs & branding where I turn your vision into reality and I push you off the cliff with your brand.
What sets me apart is god has blessed me to see beyond the norm of graphic design and the individual vision when it comes to individual and companies branding. Sometimes there is a fear and individual has when it comes to taking the next step, so I push them off the cliff of going to the next level, but I don’t leave them hanging (lol)
Do you look back particularly fondly on any memories from childhood?
My favorite memories of my childhood is the Christmas parades that happened at red bird mall and dancing at story book playhouse
Contact Info:
- Address: P O Box 804
Cedar Hill, Texas 75106 - Website: www.alondabarber.com
- Phone: 469.759.9791
- Email: iamlonnieb@gmail.com
- Instagram: I_am_lonnieb
- Facebook: Iamlonnieb
- Twitter: I_am_lonnieb