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Meet Ashley Gossett

Today we’d like to introduce you to Ashley Gossett.

Every artist has a unique story. Can you briefly walk us through yours?
I have always loved entertaining my family and friends and cooking and baking. I would host all holidays at my home for family and as time went on I wanted to bake and prepare everything from scratch. In 2011 my husband deployed to Korea for a year and while he was gone I was lonely and lost. I bought a Martha Stewart cupcake book and started making each cupcake. I would let my family taste and eat them and they loved them. I would look at large cakes and say one day I wanted to create beautiful cakes. I watched everything fondant until 2013 I decided to try it and I have been creating beautiful cakes ever since.

Please tell us about your art.
I am the owner and operator of Ashton Marie Cakes and a Cake artist! I started cake in a point in my life where I felt lost and defeated. I had moved to a new state and I had no job and nothing to do when I was used to working. I wanted to contribute to my life and relationship somehow and I found cake. I create cake for others, because I love to see a customer’s face when they come to pick up their cakes. It makes me feel important and a part of something special. My reason behind Ashton Marie Cakes is to show my 7 children that dreams can and does come true, that you can make a million mistakes as long as you get back up and try again. I want people to know that if you work hard and keep trying one day a door will open and if you are prepared you will walk through it with confidence. All my art work is created by me by hand. I don’t sketch my work out it is straight out of my head. I can work in the last moments and create a beautiful cake.

What do you think about conditions for artists today? Has life become easier or harder for artists in recent years? What can cities like ours do to encourage and help art and artists thrive?
I think conditions for artists today are good. There are so many platforms out here now that we did not have years ago. Social media has made it easier to share our work as well Show future customers who we are as artists. I think life has become harder in terms of customers because the larger companies are catching on to the trends and they are creating a cheaper version of our products at a cheaper rate. It makes it hard because the customer now feel they should be able to purchase the same products from the artists at the commercial store front price. Cities could help encourage and help art and artist thrive by hosting more event geared toward artists and their art. Allowing us to be able to show case our work better. More fairs and conventions would help as well as creating a location where artists can feel free to show the public what we have to offer.

How or where can people see your work? How can people support your work?
People can follow me on:
Facebook: Ashton Marie Cakes
Instagram: Ashton Marie Cakes

Contact Info:

Image Credit:
Pink and Peach cake photos by: The Lockhart’s
White textured wedding cake, Blue Marble cake and white bling cake Photos by Jamie Dena Photography.

Getting in touch: VoyageDallas is built on recommendations from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you know someone who deserves recognition please let us know here.

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