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Meet Betsy Allen-Manning of Motiv8u Enterprises in DFW

Today we’d like to introduce you to Betsy Allen-Manning.

Betsy, please share your story with us. How did you get to where you are today?
“If you can’t give 100% to your dreams when it doesn’t matter… what makes you think you’ll give it when it does?”

I knew from an early age that one day I would be singing on stages worldwide, but I had no idea that I would eventually become a public speaker as well. From the age of three, my mom said I was meant to be a singer. Apparently, I used to lock myself in the bathroom, grab my mom’s hairbrush and put the toilet seat down, (because the acoustics were better the higher you were), and then I would sing for hours and hours until I got told to stop. Singing became my greatest fulfillment in life, so I chased my desire for singing like it was the last bus of the day. If I didn’t get on that bus, I might miss my ride to success. I learned quickly that the fastest way to success in anything is to get a TAN= Take Action Now! So, I did! My passion mixed with skill development and consistent pursuit eventually led to a 12-year career, traveling the world as a professional singer. I loved every minute of it and would’ve sung forever, but God had other plans for me. I got nodules on my vocal chords and had no choice but to hang up my vocal chords and go into the real world. (Where people don’t give you a standing ovation for doing a great job… but I honestly think they should!)

The first company I worked for ruled on fear and punishment and belitted us every chance they got. (I wasn’t shocked at the high turnover rates they had.) I call these type of leaders, ‘Paycheck Leaders’, as they will only do what their paycheck requires… nothing more. As I moved up into accidental leadership roles, I started acting like the role models I had been given; until my father sat me down one day and told me that ‘leadership is not a position or title… it’s a responsibility’. He encouraged me to do everything I could to develop myself as a leader, so I studied under one of the world’s most respected leadership experts, Dr. John Maxwell and become DISC certified through top human behavior expert, Dr. Robert Rohm, because if you want to be the best at something then you need to learn from the best.

Through years of study and my own research of top leaders around the nation, I discovered a 3 step blueprint for becoming a high-performing leader; known in my company as ‘Impact Leaders’-people who make a positive difference within and beyond their organization. I’ve used this blueprint to help develop stronger leaders for Toshiba, Fidelity & even our U.S. Department of Defense to name a few. God put a passion on my heart to make sure leaders never mistreat employees, but instead, start empowering employees to think like a leader themselves. Today, I share my blueprint while speaking on stages and developing leadership programs for top companies nationwide. This is not just my company’s goals… it’s definitely not just a job… it’s my mission to develop stronger leaders, effective communicators & high performing teams.

We’re always bombarded by how great it is to pursue your passion, etc. – but we’ve spoken with enough people to know that it’s not always easy. Overall, would you say things have been easy for you?
Anything worthwhile will take blood, sweat, and tears to make it happen. No such thing as a smooth road. That’s where the most growth comes in!

Challenge 1: I remember having a speaker I admired sit me down and tell me that I’ll never make it as a professional speaker.
Lesson learned: Never let the limitations that others place on your life determine your future success. If God gave you the passion for it, then He will equip you for it!
Outcome: I worked my tail off to improve my craft, got better and now speak at some of the top events around the nation. If you want to go uphill, you’ve got to up-skill!

Challenge 2: I had a few business partners that cost me tons of time and money for not being committed to the same mission.
Lesson learned: Take time to get to know someone’s goals and level of commitment before partnering and ask yourself if you really do need a partner to achieve your dreams. You may have everything you need within you already.
Outcome: I got into a mastermind group of like-minded achievers and let my business thrive from sharing experiences and knowledge. Life still throws me curve balls; the only difference now is that I know how to hit them!

So, as you know, we’re impressed with Motiv8u Enterprises – tell our readers more, for example, what you’re most proud of as a company and what sets you apart from others.
My company is called Motiv8u Enterprises. We specialize in developing stronger leaders, effective communicators, and high performing teams.

People call us for three main reasons:
1. They are looking for a leadership speaker, motivational speaker or faith-based speaker for their upcoming event.
2. They are in a time of growth and the employees that they’re moving up into vital leadership roles aren’t equipped to lead as effectively as they need them too.
3. They are in a season of struggle due to low morale, low productivity or high turnover rates and this is causing a financial loss for their company.
We come in and help develop strong leaders and a culture for success.

We are super proud that in just one year we have tripled our business due to mostly referrals. What sets us apart is our own proprietary research which has shown:
50% increase in productivity.
80% improvement in overall communication.
70% improvement in team morale.
80% increase in team motivation.
90% enhancement in company culture.

So, what’s next? Any big plans?
Oh, the future holds some BIG plans! 2019 will have us releasing three new books, an online leadership program, and a 12-month leadership development program using our 3 Step Leadership Blueprint. Our goal is to impact 1 million leaders and organizations nationwide!

Contact Info:

Image Credit:
Betsy and John Maxwell. Betsy and husband, Sean and dog Bella

Getting in touch: VoyageDallas is built on recommendations from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you know someone who deserves recognition please let us know here.

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