Today we’d like to introduce you to Brenda Wakefield.
Brenda Wakefield is owner of Better Health Brenda, a veteran/woman-owned business. She wears many hats as an Optimization Health Specialist provides a path to good health and wellness as a Licensed Therapeutic Bodyworker, Certified Health Coach, Certified Aromatherapist, Wireless Safety Educator and supplier of wellness products.
The journey began a few years after retirement from the United States Air Force as a Financial Manager and Military Training Instructor ( MTI). Her commitment and dedication to what she does are evident in her current and prior leadership and education roles which started with the 20 year Air Force career. While honorably serving, she lived in Greece, Turkey, Germany, Washington State and the great state of Texas.
Upon retirement in 2000, the formal education of two Associate Degrees (Financial Management and Instructor Technology), a Bachelor of Science Degree in Adult Workforce and Education and a Master of Science Degree in Human Resource Management open doors to serve as an Education Counselor, Associate Director of Law Admissions, and Director of Financial Aid and Student Records. After working five years in those positions it was unsettling and a desire for more opportunity to help people in a more personal way struck a cord and thus began the path into health and wellness.
The chapters unfold after meeting the requirements to receive the Diploma from Dayton School of Medical Massage (Dayton, OH followed with training to provide CranioSacral Therapy and Lymphatic Drainage Therapy from the Upledger Institute and Chikly Institute, respectively. Traveled to Bellville, Ohio to finish training as a Certified Aromatherapist (Natural Options Aromatherapy Institute), To prepare clients to achieve optimal health she is a Certified Health Coach (Health Coach Institute and various wellness products are essential synergistic options to feel better naturally. She currently is a Ph.D. candidate in Holistic Health & Nutrition. Training through the various institutes is the catalyst to never look back to a growing practice in light touch therapy that focuses on improving the functions of the body. Relocation from Ohio to Texas in 2010 was a pause to re-evaluate her practice and took time to teach as a Massage Therapy Instructor before starting a therapeutic bodywork practice in Irving, TX.
The goal of the therapies is to help the body relax and heal deep from within. Her current practice provides alternative options for healing and relaxation utilizing CranioSacral Therapy (CST), Lymphatic Drainage Therapy (LDT), Pain Management, Ionic Foot Detox and Wellness Products (essential oils, sanitary pads w/negative ions, environmental products, supplements and wireless safety products to mitigate electromagnetic frequency (EMF) to provide protection thereby enhance the wellness of her clients. Continued education is a huge part to sharpen the tools to ensure clients receive the best information and services relevant as a therapeutic bodyworker, educator and veteran entrepreneur dedicated to helping others feel better naturally. Clients have ranged from newborns to elderly with amazing results felt from natural healing. A gentle touch to enhance the body to inherently heal from within.
She is a member of the Rowlett Chamber of Commerce, Board Member (Rowlett GEMS Professional Women’s), Associated Massage Bodywork Professional, Master Networks, Air Force Sergeants Association, Rowlett Toastmasters and the Veterans in Business Network. Brenda is married to Brian Wakefield and they have three daughters and seven grandchildren. She truly understands the tagline “Your Health is Your Wealth”.
We’re always bombarded by how great it is to pursue your passion, etc – but we’ve spoken with enough people to know that it’s not always easy. Overall, would you say things have been easy for you?
Smooth road, absolutely not! As a sole practitioner, building a business has come with obstacles. School prepares us for how to do the techniques and provides great service but the business sides have come with learning as I go. My first location in Dayton, OH was not ideal, located on a main thoroughfare but not storefront. The ambiance inside my facility was on point and figuring out how to market the business was tough. Advertising through magazines and newspapers did not bring the clients. I joined networking groups helped a bit overall, it was a word of mouth which help me to survive. After building a decent client list relocating happened again and it wasn’t until I connected with a local Chiropractor did things turnaround. I thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to help others and it was very rewarding.
Two years past and time came to relocate again and this time back to my home state of Texas. I had the feeling starting over would come with obstacles and my desire to connect with a local Chiropractor was not successful. My love for teaching and my credentials afforded me the opportunity to become a Massage Therapy Instructor which was exactly where I wanted to be in a new location. Teaching comes with its own set of issues and I learned quickly develop the plan and adjust as necessary. Once I and the students understood who is responsible for what the flow was much easier to handle. There are my massage school graduates today who still reach out from time to time just to say hello or seeking advice on their career or various concerns.
After teaching and being more familiar with the area again I began to build my business. I started at a Salon Suite location in Irving and I did learn the value I place on body maintenance (massage) was not the priority for many. The hair and nails were on point and I was disappointed with the lack of concern for massage. Another move and I was blessed to connect with a Chiropractor and her patient focus was children. Wow, I discovered a lot and I thrived in that environment. Her location moved and I was introduced to another Chiropractor in Dallas where I stayed for approximately 2 1/2 years.
The desire to work closer to home for personal reasons lead to another move which basically was starting over. Although there is a lot of driving in the DFW area, clients draw the line as to how far they will go. A few stayed but the majority did not want to make the drive. I get it as I moved to be closer to home. Fast forward to now, the buildup of clients is still taking place a year later and as I network it gets better as time goes on.
Bodywork is still very important as I love introducing CranioSacral Therapy which is a light=gentle touch that allows the body to balance itself. Its a hands-on method of evaluating and enhancing the functions of the craniosacral system. Freeing the central nervous system (brain and spinal nerves) which is the control system of the body reducing pain and stress, enhance the immune system and overall health and well-being. Depending on the needs of the client a therapeutic session is custom designed per session.
We’d love to hear more about your business.
The goal of the therapies is to help the body relax and heal deep from within. Her current practice provides alternative options for healing and relaxation specializing in CranioSacral Therapy (CST), Lymphatic Drainage Therapy (LDT), Pain Management, Ionic Foot Detox and Wellness Products (essential oils, sanitary pads w/negative ions, environmental products, supplements and wireless safety products to mitigate electromagnetic frequency (EMF) to provide protection thereby enhance the wellness of her clients. It’s not a one size fits all but a customized therapeutic session to fit the client’s needs. Consulting with the client to help them gain an understanding of their needs and goals establishes the plan to meet expected results.
Synergistically, the combination of bodywork, nutrition, hydration, protection ultimately leaves the client with a relaxed state allowing the body to heal naturally. Helping clients think outside the box of options is an eye-opening experience with phenomenal results. Client’s fortunate enough to grace the massage table and experience:
CranioSacral Therapy with a gentle hands-on approach that works through the craniosacral system to alleviate a range of disorders and to improve health.
Lymphatic Drainage Therapy affects the nervous, immune and muscular systems. A gentle type of therapy which is intended to encourage the natural drainage of the lymph from the body tissues space.
Massage is an effective treatment for reducing stress, pain and muscle tension, and may also be helpful for anxiety. and digestive disorders along with specific essential oils are blown away in the total relaxed state and release of tension is beyond what they have experienced in the past.
Cupping an alternative medicine in which a local suction is created on the skin pulling blood to a region of the body to stimulate healing. It softens tight muscles, tones attachments, loosens adhesions and lifts connective tissue by creating suction and negative pressure. One way to think about cupping is that it is the inverse of massage. Rather than applying pressure to muscles, the suction uses pressure to pull skin, tissue and muscles upward. Special cups are placed on your skin to create the suction promoting better health and relief for pain, inflammation, blood flow, relaxation and well-being, and as a type of deep-tissue massage.
The product experience also is different or unheard of but beneficial to better health.
Sanitary Pads benefits:
The unique negative ion strip has the following proven health benefits:
Relieve Menstrual cramps
Eliminate Odors & bacteria
Reduce inflammation
Regulates menstrual cycle
Balances body pH
Super absorbent
Aromatherapy Essential Oils:
Allergies, Arthritis, Fibromyalgia, Hot Flashes, Migraines, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, PMS, Stress, Tension, Aches and Pains and more….. You choose, internal & external healing—It’s not from a drug company and you won’t need a prescription, but you can feel better, NATURALLY! we use specially formulated essential oils for maximum effectiveness which are pure, natural and are the highest quality found anywhere. All of our products maintain this high level of excellence and include a 100% Money Back Guarantee.
Environmental Products:
Asthma, Allergies, Odors, Viruses, and Bacteria.
According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), indoor air is fifty-percent more polluted than outdoor air. This should concern everyone since we spend approximately ninety-percent of our time indoors. The air we breathe is the transport system for many of the health threats we experience.
Technology has improved our space indoors with precision in keeping them cool in during summer and heat in during the winter months. Great, however, trapped with us are gases, toxins, smells, dust mites, odors (pet, cooking and smoke) as well as mold and mildew.
Air Purifier & Water Filtration.
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Certified Health Coaching.
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What Happens in the Breakthrough Session?
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Wireless Safety Educator.
Wireless radiation is an additional environmental stressor that brings clients through my door. This silent toxin brought to my attention over a year ago came with awareness and education of the negative health impacts associated with wireless radiation. The lid has been blown off and as an advocate of protection from wireless radiation it is imperative we take our heads out of the sand and take proactive measures to shield our bodies from this known carcinogen. I notice clients have more and more compromised immune systems, suffer from dehydration being prone to diseases and illness. Scientifically proven radiation may potentially shut the body down. The Wellness company I partner with is making a huge impact on people’s health and wellness.
What are you most proud of as a company?
I am proud to part of an industry that looks at the body from the inside out. Being able to bring a synergistic approach to better health and wellness is so gratifying each and every time a client completes a session and feels better than the way they came in.
Everybody needs options to enhance productivity, stamina, mind, body, and spirit. The combination of benefits from massage, touch therapy, or bodywork, Health Coaching, or Wellness Products or whatever one might call the health treatment provides positive results for many conditions or discomfort acute or chronic that ale us. We are not always aware that our body speaks to us. Our bodies provide us with information whether by a whisper or a loud roar that we need help. You know like when someone whispers it goes unheard very differently than if it a shout or spoken loudly. What gets your attention is usually the loud spoken word even if you choose to ignore it.
Think of your body as the voice to connect with the conscious mind. Bodywork is important to both male and female alike. Substance wise we are all made up of cells, tissue, organs, and systems to a complete body. One body per person, it is imperative to take care of it. Yes, there are replacement body parts available in limited supply so take care of the make/model currently in stock. The body needs maintenance frequently and as the owner of this magnificent vessel treats it as a prized possession with tender loving care (TLC). The idea is to get bodywork done on a regular basis, it is one of the BEST investments one will make.
Better Health Brenda is set apart from others in the industry looking at the whole person and working with the client to give them what they so desire to achieve optimal health and wellness.
What were you like growing up?
Growing up I was curious, more of a tomboy, climbing trees, loved sports especially track. Not the fastest but it was something I enjoyed. My siblings say I am spoiled, number 5 of 6 children and the youngest daughter. I’ll agree I am a daddy’s girl, then and always will be. I didn’t know what I wanted to do growing up besides having fun and enjoying life. I’ve been told I was the life of the party, loved to dance and sing. My music choice is Gospel music after being raised on hymns. I prefer outside sunshine to the artificial temperatures inside. I didn’t particularly care for school but as we all know it was required. I made friends easily and it wasn’t until 20+ years later when I found out I did matter and I do make an impact. One story was a validation of me just being me. A dear friend transferred to our high school in his senior year and we became buds almost instantly.
Fast forward to graduation and he tells me he is unable to graduate due to not enough credits. It wasn’t until a phone call 20+ years later he calls to tell me he wanted to thank me. I was puzzled as to why and he says it was because of me he finished and received his h.s. diploma. I had forgotten our conversation the day he told me he was unable to graduate. I remembered us in cap and gown and grinning from ear to ear. He reminded me the school allowed him to walk the stage but no diploma. He proceeded to say when he told me initially he would not graduate, he says I sternly told him he had to get his diploma it would be important and he did complete the few remaining credits at a different school. I was blown away not realizing the impact that conversation had that day. He is an entrepreneur and has owned his own business for years. Wow, a few words of encouragement and you never know how the seed planted will grow.
As I reflect back there are those who call me mentor, teacher, healer and inside I say thank you Lord for the wisdom imparted to me then and now.
Contact Info:
- Website: www.betterhealthbrenda.com
- Phone: 469-955-6530
- Email: betterhealthbrenda@gmail.com
- Instagram: b_h_brenda
- Facebook: www.facebook.com/betterhealthbrenda
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