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Meet Brittnie

Today we’d like to introduce you to Brittnie.

So, before we jump into specific questions, why don’t you give us some details about you and your story.
I was born November 14, 1990 and as far back as I can remember I’ve always loved being in front of the camera as a young girl I entered a few pageants but nothing ever came of that. While in elementary school, I was made fun of over my weight so that kept me from my love of being in front of the camera for a while. Things continued to get worse in middle school as I was teased because of my mole on my lip, that only made me more self-conscious and shy away from the camera even more. Then came 7th grade and like many, I grew into my body more and lost the “baby fat”. Even tho I began to feel more confident with myself and my body. It still took quite some time for me to gather the courage enough to get back in front of the camera but by the age of 18, I was ready. That’s when I really got back into modeling. When I was 18, I was set up with a local photographer by a mutual friend. I can still remember the first day like it was yesterday. It was a very cold day and we shot in an old abandoned laundry mat in a small town in Texas. I continued to model for the next 3-4 years with different photographers around the area.

At the age of 22, I made the decision to become an adult dancer. There were a lot of pros and cons to this. It did help with my modeling career later on down the road with poses and outfits, also helped me be more confident. But boy did it ever make me self conscious too. I was always wanting to change my body so I could look like the next girl I saw. I never wanted to be myself I always wanted to be better than the next chick. Until one day, I met a wise ol man. I’m not too sure exactly what he said Word for Word but along the lines of “you never want to stick out being somebody else, you always want to stick out being yourself” and ever since that day I stopped wanting to be like everybody else and started being like myself the true me. Even though it has been easier said than done at times. I’ve had relationships that have tried me and held me back but I’ve pushed through and gotten past those. I’ve lost very close friends who meant the world to me that have brought me to my lowest points but also taught me to value life and every moment so much more. I’ve gained goddaughters and met so many people that have helped me on my way. I’ve expanded my horizons on what I’m willing to do and costumes I may have never tried in the past. I’ve even joined a modeling Bikini promotion group named cowtown hotties, we specialize in doing gigs, like selling tooter shots, bike washes, gogo dancing and more.

2020 is their 10th year and my 3rd. I absolutely love it and I’m so proud to be a part of it. Sure I still have rough times and points where I feel like things are at a dead end, but my past has shown me that no matter what has come my way that I can and will get through it. I may come out bruised and beaten at the end but bruises heal, pain fades and growth is a beautiful thing. In the immediate future some of my goals include getting it into school for pastry. I’ve always had a secret talent for baking if I may say so myself, and beyond that my dream is to own my own bakery one day and continue to grow my modeling portfolio. I’m excited to see what the new roaring twenties has in store for myself and my loved ones.

Has it been a smooth road?
It’s never been smooth sailing, you know like I said I struggled with my body image for the longest time, and sometimes I’m still not okay with my image. I’ve learned to love myself though. I’ve always struggled with my height because when I was 13, I had back surgery for scoliosis. I’m 5’2 I could’ve been 5’6/5’7. I had to wear a brace in middle school. That’s what pretty much started my depression among other things. I was a bit of a troubled kid/teenager, kind of always getting in trouble. As time went on, I was put on medication for my depression up til the age of 18. At 18, I stopped taking my medication. My depression seemed to get worse, as I’ve always been in abusive relationships, physically and mentally emotionally. It really takes a toll on you after a while. I have dated good guys here and there, but I always let my past experience sometimes get in the way. Here I am 29 years old and I still have my ups and downs but that’s life who doesn’t?

We’d love to hear more about your work and what you are currently focused on. What else should we know?
I specialize in modeling. Lingerie to implied. I’ll say I’ll try almost anything once, as long as it’s tasteful and classy. I’m known for my resting bitch face but when I smile it lights up a room. Photographers always tell me I should smile more, it’s one of my best features.

Is our city a good place to do what you do?
Fort Worth has been good to me. I’ve met all kinds of photographers, I’ve done all kinds of shoots. I would recommend somebody starting their modeling in Fort Worth.


  • Lingerie – 50/75
  • Implied -100/150

Contact Info:

Image Credit:
Nick jones – cowtown hotties, Alfredo Arteta – Arteta photography, El Beast

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