Today, we’d like to introduce you to Collins Haugh. Collins was introduced to us by the brilliant and talented Alejandra Hernandez.
Collins, can you walk us through your story – how you started and how you got to where you are today.
I am Collins. I am 7 years old. I love to play tennis because I get to be an athlete!
Is there anything else you’d like to share about yourself with our readers?
I always try to be helpful and kind. I try to do that with my brother, who just started learning tennis, too.
So, as we mentioned to our audience earlier, you were introduced to us by Alejandra Hernandez and A1tennis and we really admire them and what they’ve built. For folks who might not be as familiar, can you tell them a bit about your experience with A1tennis.
From Collins (as told to mom Emma): “Tennis with Ale is very interesting because she helps you when you make a mistake, and she helps with tennis skills like following through on my serve. Ale gives good directions and helps me improve each time. I never played tennis before I started with Ale and I am glad I started with her because she is helping me become a really good tennis player. When I do something good, she celebrates with me.
Instagram: @echaugh (mom); #collinsbirdie
Image Credits:
daniel macias photography