Today we’d like to introduce you to Dan Carr.
So, before we jump into specific questions about the business, why don’t you give us some details about you and your story.
Right out of high school I knew that I wanted to be an architect, so I went to the University of Miami to chase that dream. I spent 3 years there studying art and design and realized that this was not going to be the calling of my future. I left Miami and moved back home to Dallas unsure of my direction. I listened to the voices of everyone; “You can’t go wrong with a degree in business or finance.” I took their advice and followed the “safe” path and earned a degree in Finance from the University of North Texas. With degree in hand, I held several jobs in the finance industry, but always was drawn back to the service industry. Nothing satisfied me the way that the personal interaction I received in the service industry did.
One day ten years ago, I was honest with myself and acknowledged that although I never planned to make a career in the restaurant industry, there was no denying it; I loved it. As of now I have been in the service industry 25 years. I have worked almost every position that this industry has to offer. Through that I feel it has given me a great understanding and respect for this business.
I have a genuine love for guest satisfaction. Nothing pleases me more than hearing about what a wonderful experience someone has in my establishment. When I was a bartender, I always strove to be the best, fastest, and friendliest bartender each customer had ever met. As a manager and now co-owner of an establishment, I love the fact that I carry on my shoulders the responsibility for the entire customer experience.
I think by always working to achieve that highest standard, the lessons learned have served me well, and paved the way to where I am today.
Great, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
It has absolutely not been a smooth road for me! In this business like any other, you land in bad jobs, bad situations, and just tough life questions in general.
For me, the hardest thing was making that transition from using my degree in a direct fashion to making the decision to make this my career. You will always meet industry people who leave the restaurant business to get “real” jobs. Whenever I hear that I am completely insulted. If you don’t think your job is “real”, that you are providing a “real” service, that the 12 hours shift you just worked wasn’t a “real” shift, then you need another job. I worked in this industry for over ten years attempting to find something that society deemed as a “real” job. The day I decided to stop listening to others and listen to myself was one of the best days of my life and I have never looked back.
So no, it hasn’t been easy. Nowadays my biggest struggle is competition. I recognize that competition comes in many forms; menu, drink specials, staff, music, design, layout, events, the overall vibe. The list is endless and constantly changing. I feel like there is a new establishment opening every week around Renfields. I must constantly be striving to stay relevant in a very dog-eat-dog business. So to say that I don’t get stressed would be a lie!
Renfields Corner – what should we know? What do you guys do best? What sets you apart from the competition?
Renfields Corner is what I like to call a dive bar caught in an area filled with pretension. I say that because the Uptown area is filled with new shiny glamorous bars and restaurants. Everyone is constantly trying to outdo the other with the latest and greatest fad. I believe that by putting their focus on chasing the latest hot idea they miss out on and even neglect the most important quality of any successful business; Customer Satisfaction.
Renfields Corner has no frills, but we are consistent in what we offer and with our customer service. We have a simple but great menu, two nice patios, and fun music. However, most important, I have an outstanding staff that shares my same belief on making every person feel special.
The best compliment that I receive almost daily is about my staff. As new establishments open and close all around me, we continue on strong because we always take care of the people who keep our doors open. I am proud of our very low staff turnover ratio (which is rare in this business), because we are like a family, and I only hire people who respect what makes this bar work.
What moment in your career do you look back most fondly on?
It sounds crazy to say, but the proudest moment of my career thus far was the day that this bar was sold. Now to explain. Two businessmen owned Renfields Corner for the first four years of our operation. From my view, things were great. Then one day I walked in, and both the owners are waiting for me to arrive and to break the news that they are selling the bar. You can’t imagine my shock and disappointment. However, they held the best news out. They are selling to someone who will only buy the bar if I come with it. What a compliment!
They set up a meeting for me with the new owner (Sam Dalton), who tells me that he knows that the success of this bar came as a result of my hard work, dedication, and passion. Shortly into our business relationship he offered me a portion of ownership and what I hope will be a long business relationship together.
I have to say, that day was one of the proudest days in my business career.
- $1 off all wells, calls, draught beer.
Contact Info:
- Address: 2603 Routh St., Dallas, TX 75201
- Website: renfieldscorner.com
- Phone: 214-397-0300
- Email: 2603@renfieldscorner.com
- Instagram: @renfieldscorner
- Facebook: RenfieldsCorner
Image Credit:
Rogher Jeri
Getting in touch: VoyageDallas is built on recommendations from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you know someone who deserves recognition please let us know here.
Herman Benefield
June 18, 2017 at 4:40 am
I had the pleasure of working with D. Carr over a decade ago at Hibiscus. His consummate professionalism combined with that boyish smile made him the best. Glad to see nothing has changed. One helluva guy!
Jessica tayce
June 21, 2017 at 3:26 pm
Dan Carr is the friendliest, most involved (in a good way) GM I’ve had the pleasure of working for. He never misses a beat, and will run circles around every bartender, even when its been 3+ years since he last tended bar. Trust me when I say he nothing short of impressive. As far as the staff goes, they’re some of my closest friends. And I worked there in 2010. In fact, its pretty much the only bar I go to. My home base. Congratulations on the article Dan!