Today we’d like to introduce you to Daniel Calhoun.
Daniel, please share your story with us. How did you get to where you are today?
I’m originally from Michigan and moved down here and got married. I got divorced after ten years and started going to Comic Book Conventions. I started out going in cosplay with my son, at one time going as Captain America. Being a divorced father, I didn’t have much money, so I reused the Cap costume a few times and became known for being him. One day, while on a friend’s podcast, we slipped up trying to say Captain America and Dad… and so Captain AmeriDad was born. Since I myself have always been heavier, I became a huge proponent of cosplay is for everyone. Meaning it doesn’t matter your skill, weight, height, age, race, or sex, you can still show your love and passion for fandom in cosplay. I have also been vocal in my fight against depression and the help cosplay and conventions have had with that. I have found the most amazing and supportive community here in the North Texas cosplay community and wouldn’t be here without them, or my son.
Has it been a smooth road?
The road has been bumpy. I’ve struggled with my weight, my self image and my self worth. All of this has fueled depression. Some days it has been extremely difficult but with the love and support of my son and the friends I have made through the community, I have the strength to get through. I use my struggles to get stronger and hopefully inspire others to keep chasing their dreams and passions.
Please tell us about your work.
My whole Captain AmeriDad persona has been created as a way to highlight my joy and passion for my fandoms. Whether it is through writing or through cosplay I want to show how excited I am for things I love. I guess I am known for having my positive attitude in the Cosplay community and the fact that I try to lift others up.
I’m proud of a few things that I’ve done over the years. First and foremost is my amazing son who I try to encourage to follow his dreams. Secondly was actually realizing my own dream of becoming a published author. Thirdly is most recently being asked to help plan and organize a small convention with Horrifically Nerdy in Garland at Vikon Plaza. I guess what sets me apart is the fact that no matter how harshly I’ll criticize myself, I’ll always step up and encourage others to do their best.
How do you think the industry will change over the next decade?
I honestly don’t see it as an industry. Not to me anyway. I think we in Texas have an extraordinarily unique experience in the fact we have so many conventions and so many chances to express our love for our fandoms and our talents.
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Image Credit:
Firebird Images
Scott Fischer
Ron Wheeler
Cosplay Illustrated
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