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Meet David Henderson, MD of Four Stones Collaborative Group

Today we’d like to introduce you to David Henderson, MD.

David, please share your story with us. How did you get to where you are today?
If you ask a psychiatrist for his story, realize that you’ll be getting a far deeper analysis than you probably bargained for. The long and the short of it is this: I got just enough genetic mixture of right and left brain qualities from my parents to be thoroughly confused about what I wanted to be when I grew up.

I had a natural inclination toward the arts, retreating often into the fantasies of my imagination, but also a very practical, scientifically-oriented upbringing, so when it came to my education and profession, it was ground into me early on that medicine and service to others were the highest callings a young man could pursue.

It wasn’t until my last year in medical school, when I began my psychiatry rotation, that the roads of science, imagination, and fantasy; story-telling, art and music; faith and philosophy all converged upon the one single entity that would consume my focus for the rest of my life – the human mind. This pursuit has taken me far deeper than I ever anticipated and destroyed many of the black and white lines that were drawn for me in my youth, leaving me with as much mystery as truth, but after 15 years of practicing psychiatry, I’ve come to believe that that mind I’ve studied has really only one solitary longing:

Redemption – that our tragedies, our traumas, our losses, our longing, can and are being exchanged for ultimate triumphs, new passions, greater gains, higher purposes, and deeper fulfillment; I’ve experienced this in my own life and in the lives of the thousands of people I’ve interacted with over the last 15 years. I’ve said this over and over again now, but I could not do what I do if I did not believe that redemption was possible for every person that walked through my doors. That’s what we work to figure out in session, and the stories of success have been incredible to witness. It’s been a real privilege to be a part of the process!

We’re always bombarded by how great it is to pursue your passion, etc. – but we’ve spoken with enough people to know that it’s not always easy. Overall, would you say things have been easy for you?
The road to where I am now hasn’t been easy. When you look out into your future, you really can’t imagine where you will end up, but that is the cool thing about redemption: if you believe that everything will work itself out in the end, you can enjoy the process of getting there much more. As hard as it is to go through them, it is often the darkest times in your life that end up leading you toward your greatest passions.

It was during one of these dark times in my own life that I stumbled across a Charles Bukowski poem on YouTube that had been set to music and combined with a powerful montage of visual imagery. I must have watched that 3-minute film hundreds of times just to get me from day to day. I remember thinking, “Man, I wish there was more of this kind of stuff out there. Hey, maybe I should create my own!!”

As a result, I’ve started working on a project called PSYCHED 30, due to launch this summer, 2019. It is very similar to the experience I had watching that Charles Bukowski poem set to film, but instead of just one film, there are 30, created to be a sort of Whole 30 or P90X for the mind. The ultimate goal is to challenge viewers to walk through, rather than avoid, the personal obstacles that prevent them from achieving their true passions in life.

After every film, the viewers will have a supplemental journal that they can work through with prompt questions and challenges to help them focus in on the specific goals for that day. The cool thing is that the project is very collaborative. I’ve preferred to use real people who are passionate about the idea, rather than just hiring actors.

As a result, I’ve had the chance to connect with local artists, musicians, chefs, athletes, authors, and business owners who share my same passion for redemption. It’s been really exciting!!

So, as you know, we’re impressed with Four Stones Collaborative Group – tell our readers more, for example, what you’re most proud of as a company and what sets you apart from others.
I have three main focuses professionally right now. The first is my private practice, called Four Stones Collaborative Group. We are a full-service outpatient counseling center providing diagnostic testing, medication management, and talk-therapy services for a wide range of clients.

Though we treat many mental illnesses such as Depression, Generalized Anxiety, ADHD, PSTD, OCD, and bipolar disorder, many of our clients use our services for performance enhancement. Much like you would hire a personal trainer to help you get in the best possible physical shape you can be in, our clients value being in the best possible psychological shape they can be in.

The goal of talk-therapy, consulting, coaching, or psychotherapy (as it is called professionally) is two-fold: 1. to enhance a client’s self-awareness for the patterns of thought, emotion, and action that keep most of us stuck and unable to achieve the next level of success in our lives. 2. To make actual – through daily mental exercises – the potential for change that we all possess but may not be tapping into.

In addition to my private practice, I am the Chief Medical Officer for Fort Behavioral Health, a 133-bed residential treatment facility in Fort Worth. We have several wings that are opening including substance abuse units for both males and females, an adolescent wing, and an autism unit. It has been a real privilege to help develop the programs, policies, and procedures that will enable clients to overcome these obstacles in their lives. Finally, the artist within me has worked hard to combine the arts with psychology and mental healthcare.

As I mentioned before, that passion has come out in this upcoming project, PSYCHED 30. But I’ve also had the chance to write a book for parents of adolescents, and emerging adults called MY TEENAGE ZOMBIE: Resurrecting the Undead Adolescent in Your Home, and to feature some of my own personal art pieces in several pop-up art shows in Dallas.

If readers are interested, they can check out my Instagram page @fourstonesart for some examples of my work.

So, what’s next? Any big plans?
In the months ahead, my plan is to continue collaborating with fellow creatives in Dallas and continue to offer hope to clients who are struggling with motivation and meaning in their lives.

I’ve got several speaking events coming up as well where I will get the chance to share my own personal and professional understanding of the most common struggles we all face at some point on the road to fulfilling our dreams.

Those who are interested can send me an email inquiry for possible speaking engagements and upcoming events.

Contact Info:

Image Credit:
Will Von Bolton, David Busby

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