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Meet John Poston of Daymark Living in Central Dallas

Today we’d like to introduce you to John Poston.

John, let’s start with your story. We’d love to hear how you got started and how the journey has been so far.
Son with Down syndrome Inspires New Community for Adults with Intellectual and Developmental Delays

Meet Michael and the special place he and his best friend are about to call home.

By John Poston

Michael Poston is almost 23 years old. He needs an opportunity to live like his siblings! That’s why he’s slated to be one of the first residents at Daymark Living, a purpose-built residential community for adults with intellectual and developmental delays (IDD). At Daymark Living, they will live a life where they are engaged socially, physically, emotionally and intellectually. Most of our residents will be employed or volunteering at businesses in Waxahachie, Dallas and Fort Worth. Those that are not employed will attend classes at Daymark Living to gain the social and vocational skills required to gain meaningful employment.

Moving away from home should’ve been a natural next step for Michael, just like it was for his siblings. Michael’s famous quote, “I want to live like Blake and Margot,” really hit me hard.

Realizing Michael wants, and needs, a life beyond what living at home can provide was difficult to accept. I didn’t give it a second thought with Margot and Blake. I took for granted that Margot and Blake would someday “fly the coop” – as they should. I incorrectly assumed that Michael would be better off living with me, not on his own like the other two. Of course, he needs some supervision, but what he really needs is a chance to live a life as independently as possible among his peer group.

When Michael and Margot, who happen to be twins, graduated from high school, it was clear the traditional experience of going off to college was appropriate for her. Unfortunately, there really wasn’t a good alternative for Michael. Although I enjoy having Michael living with me, I realized he wasn’t getting enough interaction with his peer group and he was craving independence. These are things a parent would love to provide, but can’t.

Independence is vital to happiness

One particular moment made it all sink in. I had just dropped off Margot at the airport to send her away to college. I was super excited for her and what lay ahead! She was going off to learn how to be independent and make friends for life. I was ecstatic until I walked back into my house. Michael was still sitting on the couch watching movies and playing video games. In that instant, I knew something had to change. He deserved the same opportunity Margot had to live, learn and make friends.

That realization prompted the idea for Daymark Living.

What I wanted for Michael was the same thing any parent wants for any child transitioning to adulthood: an opportunity to continue to learn, develop relevant work skills, make friends and live as independently as possible. I truly believe that independence leads to happiness.

Most people are familiar with college dorms and senior living centers. I thought: what if one place could combine the most appropriate aspects of each for adults with IDD? And what if that place could also offer appropriate educational classes, and help with connections to employment opportunities?

In doing so, we could create a special community for adults with a wide range of challenges, like Down syndrome, autism, Asperger’s, William’s syndrome, Cerebral Palsy and many others.

Creating a purpose built community

That inspired Daymark Living, a first class community designed specifically for adults with IDD. Experts in student housing, senior living and staffing collaborated to create a very special, purpose-built community. Our ultimate mission for our residents is for them to live a quality life among their peers, work or volunteer in the surrounding communities and realize their potential as independent adults.

We are now building Daymark Living 30 minutes south of Dallas/Fort Worth in a beautiful town called Waxahachie.

We also create social opportunities. Once high school is over, too often, so is the social life for people with IDD. Not anymore. Daymark Social Club welcomes anyone 15-years-old and older with IDD to join us on fun outings and special events, held twice a month. With the cost ranging from free to $40, it’s no wonder our most recent event, a dance, had more than 150 participants.

This summer we are having an eight-week camp in July and August that culminates in a luncheon hosted by Daymark Living where 25 employers will attend to dine and interview our residents and campers. We’re going the extra mile to figure out how to employ our residents in a meaningful way.

Michael is thinking about becoming either a marketing representative for Daymark Living or a Bakery Chef that owns his own business. I think he can do both! Because of Daymark Living, Michael and others like him don’t have to dream about a future like their siblings – they can live one!

John Poston is founder and president of Daymark Living; co-founder of The Rise Schools of Dallas and Houston; co-founder of The Stallings Award.

Improving Michael’s life and those like him have been an integral part of my life ever since he was born. That’s why we started The Rise Schools and The Stallings Award. Those help young children with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Now Michael is ready for adulthood; therefore we’re building Daymark Living.

Overall, has it been relatively smooth? If not, what were some of the struggles along the way?
Building something from scratch is never smooth especially when most people are doubtful that you can pull it off. That’s actually the fun part, too. Doing something that seems impossible is satisfying. It always takes more time than you originally planned for. It’s well worth the wait and the effort. There are lots of struggles and sacrifices. They are mostly tied to business – money, lost business opportunities. But, I was able to spend more time with my family and friends because of our efforts with The Rise School and The Touchdown Club. Touchdown Club is a group of young professionals that raise $800,000 a year for The Rise School.

Now I’m able to merge my passion of improving the lives of people with intellectual disabilities with a for profit business model that will help many more than I could’ve imagined all over the US after the success of the first Daymark Living community The idea is to capture the customers that can afford it and are willing to pay for it then use the profits to create scholarships and/or lower priced options.

Daymark Living – what should we know? What do you guys do best? What sets you apart from the competition?
Daymark Living is a developer and operator of residential communities built and operated specifically for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities. We are going to be the first community for adults with IDD ever in North Texas. I’m proud that we are going to improve the lives of hundreds, soon to be thousands, of lives of people with IDD. We’re giving this population a chance to live a healthy, happy life among their friends just like the rest of us do. We’re working to help them find jobs. We will employ people with IDD. We are forming a 501 C 3 so we can raise money to provide scholarships for those that cannot afford to live at Daymark Living.


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Getting in touch: VoyageDallas is built on recommendations from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you know someone who deserves recognition please let us know here.


  1. Sally Ross

    March 9, 2018 at 1:54 am

    John Poston, I’m so Proud of you ! I Love you and your family! You have devoted your life for this cause and are changing so many lives!
    Michal is so Precious, I know he and so many residents of The community will SOUR!

  2. Claudia McClain

    July 9, 2019 at 1:43 pm

    John, AMAZING! What wonderful work you are doing here! You are living a “life well lived” and will leave a legacy rich in the gift of caring and making things happen! Michael was born to just the right Dad!

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