Today we’d like to introduce you to Elizabeth Harbin.
Hi Elizabeth, can you start by introducing yourself? We’d love to learn more about how you got to where you are today?
I have been connected to a spiritual plane since my pre-school days. So much so, that I had my family set a place for my imaginary friend “Mickey” every time we had a meal. Fortunately, I had a mother that loved metaphysics, so I was always learning about horoscopes, astrology, palmistry, and so forth. I knew I had a 6th sense, I just thought everyone else did to. After feeling like I was the odd man out, I quit talking about what I “knew” and would only discuss important issues with my mom or very close friends. Eventually, life got in my way, and I started working. Corporate was my profession and I stayed in it until my late forties. My curiosity surrounding metaphysics was peeked again when I was told by a psychic that my imaginary friend “Mickey” was actually the Archangel Michael! In fact, he had intervened at least twice from what could have been catastrophic events when I was in first grade! At this point, I decided to graduate from corporate and get into metaphysics full time which meant I had to learn as much as I could from scratch. I went on to become a professional card reader, hypnosis practitioner, minister, Reiki Master/teacher, 3-time bestselling author, radio show owner, host, and producer, and ordained minister and metaphysic teacher. Most recently I have joined the Ghost Hunting team, Crossings Paranormal Research as a Team Lead and Field Director. I have my own private clientele as well as working Psychic Night events in Downtown McKinney every 3rd Thursday as well as working the Wellness event in Denton at The Shambhala Wellness Center when scheduled.
Alright, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall, and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
It was very challenging. During the last 15 years of my mother’s life, I was her caregiver full-time. So, I had to choose my events or workable parties that were close to my home or online. She passed in June of 2018, then as I was recovering from another near-death experience in 2019, we had Covid show up!
Thanks – so what else should our readers know about your work and what you’re currently focused on?
What I do: I am a psychic medium. hypnosis practitioner, radio show host/producer, and owner of Make It So Network, 3-time bestselling author in the USA and overseas, professional card reader, ordained minister, and Reiki Master/teacher. I also develop and teach classes from learning how to be a professional card reader to delving into the energies of chakras. Most recently joined the ghost hunting team of Crossing Paranormal Research as Team Lead/Field Investigator.
What I specialize in is more of the psychic mediumship areas. But my love of radio is a close second.
Not sure how to answer what am I known for…. perhaps a good source to go to when wanting to learn the elementary skills of metaphysics and what it has to offer. I work towards equality in all areas of my life and my students/clients. Perhaps also being known for my sense of humor and I have been told I am a person that people feel they can approach.
What I am most proud of: My students/clients/family/friends when they feel trusting enough to ask my opinion on a situation that they see as perhaps life-altering.
What sets me apart: Good question! I don’t see myself as being separate or apart from my collogues. I do see that we all have certain gifts that are called upon from time to time to assist others on their journeys or pathways. However, our objective should always be to get the client/student/family or friends resolution or information that can empower them. That is a defining point with me.
We’re always looking for the lessons that can be learned in any situation, including tragic ones like the Covid-19 crisis. Are there any lessons you’ve learned that you can share?
Yes. I have known that having a solid unit of friendships/family was important in everyday life and Covid-19 highlighted that for me. It also proved to me that you can be physically lonely, but you do not have to be emotionally alone. This of course is just my opinion for my experience. Fortunately, in my business I work with clients all over the world, and using the latest technologies had become one of my staples for keeping up with not only clients but friends and family. So, I did not suffer as greatly as others. My tribe was already in place, and I had the technology to fall back on!
- Readings 15 mins is 20.00
- Readings 30 mins is 65.00
- Readings 45 mins is 90.00
- Readings 60 mins is 120.00
- Parties 100.00 per hour
Contact Info:
- Email: ElizabethHarbin.me@gmail.com
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/elizabethharbinpsychic/
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/MakeItSoNetwor1
- Other: https://www.blogtalkradio.com/makeitsonetwork