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Meet Guy Andre & Alva Pierlot of Pierlot Rentals

Today we’d like to introduce you to Guy Andre & Alva Pierlot

Guy Andre & Alva, we appreciate you taking the time to share your story with us today. Where does your story begin?
Life After Your Wedding Day: A Testament of Love, Cancer, and Faith

It all started with our wedding day. Guy and I were so excited to be married and to start our family. We genuinely believed that our wedding day was a testament to God’s faithfulness in finally bringing us together, and we were ready to celebrate! We knew exactly what we wanted for this special day, and we were determined to bring our vision to life.

But it wasn’t long before reality set in. Like many couples today, we found ourselves constantly calculating the costs and the investment required for a modern wedding. After crunching numbers and brainstorming repeatedly, we had no choice but to take a leap of faith and do everything ourselves.

Since I (Alva) grew up in a home where pulling together as a family was second nature, I knew I could count on my parents, especially my father, to help with this very special day. My father had many talents and skills, but he devoted the majority of his career to creating great food. He was passionate about his job, and I grew up watching him cater, do banquets, and work as both a public and private chef. He worked in the industry for over 30 years. For my quinceañera and every other family event, we always did everything ourselves, so it was a no-brainer to take on this challenge as a family once again.

And we did just that. We knew who to talk to, where to go, and what might have seemed like an insurmountable mountain to others we were able to overcome together. If people could have only seen us! We were incredibly busy, but it was all worth it. We stayed up late the night before the wedding, packing, loading, and double-checking everything. And we were up early the day of. I still have such fond memories of those moments. We were the couple crazy enough to buy and set up everything ourselves. We placed our own wedding arch, arranged lanterns, flowers, and customized signs.

Why? Because, like many people, we understood that if you want your dreams to become reality, with the help of good people, you can truly make your dreams come true. And we don’t regret it one bit.

Why do I say that? Because I know, for a fact, that as beautiful as our wedding day was, it was also a testament to wise decision-making. Many couples spend thousands of dollars on their wedding day, often forgetting that life continues afterwards—bills, responsibilities, duties, family; the list goes on. This was certainly true for us.

At 32, I was the last of five siblings to get married, so my parents were overjoyed that the day had finally come. They had plans to travel and start enjoying their retirement soon after my wedding. But then we received the news that would change our world instantly.

My dad hadn’t been feeling well for quite some time, but it didn’t seem like anything too serious. He felt weak, but as a typical, hard-working father, he pushed through any symptoms he had. Over the years, if he visited the hospital, nothing was found that indicated something was wrong. However, less than a month after our wedding, as we were returning from our honeymoon and settling into our new life as a married couple, my dad started visiting the hospital continuously. By March, we finally had results. Each new test confirmed the previous ones: my dad had cancer. Not just one type, but several. His brain, liver, lungs, spine, and several lymph nodes were affected. His right vocal cord had collapsed, and he lost his hair, his voice for some time, and a significant amount of weight.

Unfortunately, the cancer had already reached stage 4 by the time we received the test results. Though he outlived the initial prognosis, we couldn’t believe the situation we found ourselves in. We had just gotten married, and now everything was about to change.

For the next three years, Guy Andre and I faced challenges that we don’t have the time to fully describe. We encountered numerous demands, dilemmas at every turn, and emotions that were only anchored in our faith in God. Not long after a few rounds of targeted cell treatment, radiation, and chemotherapy, we realized we needed to move. We rented out our home and relocated to be with my father, placing a tiny 400-square-foot home on his six-acre ranch to help care for him as his condition worsened. All this was happening while I was pregnant with our first child.

So you can imagine the pace of our lives—full of heartache and stress. But as I look back, I am so thankful I was able to have my father with me on my wedding day before he passed away. If we had changed our minds or delayed the wedding, I am not sure I would have had him walk me down the aisle. Guy and I now look back and know that God knew what was about to happen. It’s moments like these that make us realize how pivotal our decisions can be, no matter how big or small.

My father did the impossible for us, delivering like a true professional, but more importantly, as a generous and loving father. As finances grew tighter and immediate decisions had to be made, I was so glad that Guy and I had a solid foundation for our marriage, which included the craziness of our wedding day adventures. I was privileged to have had the father I had. His expertise, his decades of experience, and his connections helped us fulfill our dream wedding. We had the equipment and the help we needed to execute everything we had envisioned.

But I also realize that most couples don’t have the same advantages. In fact, it is quite the opposite. Like most Americans, many couples are simply trying to make ends meet and support their families. I know countless couples who go into debt just to have a wedding, and it shouldn’t be that way. The reason so many couples end up doing everything themselves is because they cannot afford to do otherwise, and that shouldn’t be the case.

So, in light of the help we received on our wedding day, Guy and I decided to help other couples avoid breaking the bank for their special event. We took the big investment we made in our own wedding and used it to offer wedding decoration services to local brides and grooms in the DFW area. We couldn’t be happier with that decision. Everything we do now to help other couples make their dreams come true is because someone did that for us. We were blessed to be a blessing to others.

We serve couples in the DFW area and do our best to keep prices as low as possible while offering high-quality faux flower décor. Our goal is to show our clients that we have their best interests at heart by offering services at a level of quality and a price that makes them feel valued. We hope to meet as many people as possible and assist as many deserving couples as we can on this new journey. With God’s help, we know we will.

As for where we are now, I truly believe we are right where we need to be—in God’s loving hands. Despite the passing of my father, as a generous man, I know he would want us helping others. I know he would be happy to see us giving back, as he modeled that with his life. It’s what he would have wanted, and we are grateful for the start he gave us. We hope to share his legacy and heart with everyone we encounter.

Thank you, Voyage Dallas! It has filled our hearts to be able to share a small part of our story with you!

Guy Andre & Alva Pierlot
Pierlot Rentals

Personal Information
• Guy Andre has his Bachelors and Masters Degree in Linguistics and speaks 4 languages. He works as a French Teacher, a professional musician, and Translator
• Alva has her Bachelors in Sociology, Masters in Social Work, and Doctorate in Christian Counseling, and is a certified Bilingual Teacher and a previous Interpreter.
• They have a precious daughter, who is both the light and joy of their home and has comforted the family in the midst of their loss.
• Alva also has a small private practice called Good Start Counseling PLLC, that she named in honor of her father who gave her such a good start in life but also on her wedding day.
• The pictures below are of Guy Andre and Alva on their wedding day at the beautiful Gardenia Event Venue in Valley View, Texas.

I’m sure it wasn’t obstacle-free, but would you say the journey has been fairly smooth so far?
Please see above

Great, so let’s talk business. Can you tell our readers more about what you do and what you think sets you apart from others?
We provide affordable faux flower decorations for those planning a special event.

Alright so before we go can you talk to us a bit about how people can work with you, collaborate with you or support you?
They can check out our website at or send us an email at We are also on Facebook and Instagram under Pierlot Rentals as well. Thank you!


  • 850 Standard Pre Made Decor
  • 1200 Partial Decor Customizing

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