Today we’d like to introduce you to Jason Queen.
Hi Jason, so excited to have you with us today. What can you tell us about your story?
I’ll never forget the day my parents walked out the doors of that facility, got in their cars, and drove off, leaving me halfway across the country in the only program for At-Risk youth that would even take me in at the time. I was lost, lonely, and broken. I looked around and realized I had no friends, no family, and what felt like no future. And I don’t know if you’ve ever been there before, but I felt absolutely stuck, and I didn’t see a way forward. I felt like I was at the end of the road as a teenager and felt completely hopeless.
Now, to give you some context, growing up, I made a lot of bad decisions. My parents did the best they could with what they had, even though they didn’t know how to raise a healthy family. They were just kids when they had us. They both came from some pretty dysfunctional families themselves. So, coming up, I looked up to my cousins and learned to make a lot of bad decisions.
By the time I had hit high school, I had already been selling drugs, using drugs, fighting all the time, running from police, running from people who wanted to hurt me, getting kicked out of school, partying, and living an empty existence. I was labeled Oppositional Defiance Disorder, and removed from my home by the state & placed in foster care for hurting my family. I was wildly out of control. And there’s a whole lot of dark details I could add, but to keep this simple, I was running down this path of destruction, and I didn’t even realize it. There I was standing in this program, all alone, ready to give up on life. And then something happened that changed my life forever.
There was a man there who took a real interest in me, one of the teachers. For some reason, he saw something in me and chose to believe in me when what felt like the whole world had given up on me when I had given up on me. This man showed me that I could have a better life, that no matter where I had been or what I had done, I could choose to have a meaningful life. He introduced me to all kinds of life-changing concepts that put me on a path towards an amazing future and introduced me to a relationship with Jesus, not religion. It changed everything for me. This teacher became my first real mentor and stood by me as I learned to walk out these life-changing principles.
One next step at a time, I went from being a dropout to a dream chaser, from living below average to averaging up at every turn, from being hopelessly stuck to absolutely unstoppable. My story was so drastic; I started getting invited to share my story in different places. Soon I realized my story was a story of hope, something a lot of people needed. This was when I first realized God had set me apart to be a voice for the next generation. This is when I started to understand and walk out my life purpose. This is what I have given my life to.
Can you talk to us a bit about the challenges and lessons you’ve learned along the way? Looking back, would you say it’s been easy or smooth in retrospect?
Along the way, there were a lot of times when it felt like three steps forward; two sets back as I was learning to break old habits, old beliefs, and old behaviors. I have been full of ups and downs, twists and turns, celebrations, and grief. What I have learned is that success often feels this way. It’s not easy, but it’s always worth it.
The most challenging part of this journey was and still is being intentional about my own beliefs. The way I believe about myself shapes everything else about my life. The way I view myself directly impacts the way I show up in the world. So, the mindset work and the heart work have been the most challenging and most pivotal for me. I had to learn to forgive myself and let go of past mistakes, not allowing them to define me. I had to learn how to believe the best about myself even though I know all the worst parts. Knowing that Jesus was willing to give His life for mine, and this teacher was willing to stick with me and never give up on me, showed me I had value and allowed me to start believing different about who I was & the future I could have. It opened my mind to so many endless possibilities, and optimism became my new anthem.
No matter what the obstacles are that you wish to overcome in life, they can all be traced back to beliefs you. have picked up somewhere along the way. Once you can identify those beliefs and make the adjustments, the behavior will follow. This is something I live by and am constantly working on myself. No matter where you have been, you can make these changes too and move towards a better life!
Thanks for sharing that. So, maybe next, you can tell us a bit more about your business.
I have been a student specialist for the last 2 decades. Now I’m a Youth Motivational Speaker, Student Mentor, Educational Consultant, and Mindset Coach. I spend a lot of time helping schools take students from “at risk” to rising stars! I believe every student can be successful, and I believe every teacher has the ability to change a student’s life when they truly connect.
Here’s how it reads on my website.
“Growing up, Jason experienced a lot of life challenges. All of that led to failing classes, fighting, being labeled, drug and alcohol abuse, foster homes, and programs for at-risk youth.
During his motivational speeches at schools, he shares what changed his life and how students can move forward too! Incorporating many of the same beliefs and principles that helped him, he went on to inspire thousands of other students with his message. Jason’s passion and life’s work for the past 20 years has been to mentor students & adults alike, so they can overcome adversity to become the best version of themselves and elevate their lives.
Jason is an incredible communicator and an authority in the student-speaking world. With two decades of experience as a youth specialist, he has the knowledge and expertise necessary to connect with students in a meaningful and clear way. He knows how to explain complicated topics in a way that resonates with students and encourages them to engage and learn. His track record of success speaks for itself, and his enthusiasm for students is infectious.
Jason is an incredible role model for students who are facing adversity. He has been able to help hundreds of students overcome and elevate their lives despite the challenges they face. His dedication and commitment to helping students reach their goals is truly inspiring. He exemplifies the power of perseverance and determination, and his work is a testament to the importance of having the right support system in place. He is a champion for all students facing hardship, and his guidance and advice will continue to benefit future generations.”
All that being said, what I want you to know is that I just really believe in the next generation and in our educators. To me, they aren’t gen z or alpha; to me they are Generation Hope! So, every educator matters because they get to lead and shape this generation more than almost anyone else.
I love speaking to students in our assemblies and breakouts, but I also love showing up for Professional Development for teachers and spending time with them as well. I travel all over the country speaking at schools, conferences, and events. I know that together we can create a culture for students to thrive as we make a big impact on this generation & truly set them up for success.
With our Elevate Your Life School Program, you can inquire about School Assemblies, Breakouts, Professional Development, and Keynotes on our website. If you’re interested in connecting me with your school or a school you’re connected to in any way, we would love the privilege of speaking life over them.
Something that sets us apart is that we offer a mentorship program for students that is turn-key for schools, so the relationship and the mentorship doesn’t end with an assembly. It’s a weekly program designed to help students grow in their mindset, character, and leadership. It’s an incredible opportunity to build real culture week in and week out with students as they navigate the curriculum together. Teachers get to help foster a safe environment where students are celebrated for taking next steps, and everyone grows together. It’s truly life-changing!
One of the things we are most proud of is that we typically get really high reviews from the places have been. We get asked back, and we build solid, healthy relationships! We are helping students and teachers elevate their life, and I love it!
What matters most to you?
What matters most to me is that every student discovers hope for themselves. I really believe that once a student discovers hope, they can endure any hardship, they become incredibly resilient, and not only bounce back from life’s difficulties but bounce forward into a better life. To me, it’s way more about who you become along the way. So many of our students struggle with their identity and finding where they belong. That’s why I’m on a mission to speak life over one million students and help each one of them elevate their lives from wherever they are to where their true potential can take them, elevating their lives.
If you want to elevate the culture of your school, your classrooms, teachers and students, we would love the honor of partnering with you to see that happen. And remember, everything is possible, and there is always hope!
Contact Info:
- Website: www.OfficialJasonQueen.com
- Instagram: @OfficialJasonQueen
- Facebook: @OfficialJasonQueen
- Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jasonqueenofficial