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Meet Jeniffer Morales of Dallas Texas

Today we’d like to introduce you to Jeniffer Morales

Hi Jeniffer, please kick things off for us with an introduction to yourself and your story.
Hi, my name is Jen and my journey has been far from where i thought i would be today. First and for most i would like to thank God because my life has been a little crazy but i know he’s led me in my path and has blessed me through the years. Growing up in a Hispanic house hold, Education was always a big deal especially for my parents. They always talked to my sisters and i about studying hard and going to college to have a secure and good job ahead of us. Going back to my high school days i knew I didn’t like school so much, i would try to stay home if i could or i would skip my classes, not something i am proud of but in the moment and being so young it didn’t seem so bad. Fast forward to August 2016, i started my first year of college and i was majoring in criminal justice. Everything was fine, enjoyed my first year, made new friends but of course was still struggling in math. Second year came around and again passed my other classes and then there was math. I felt like i was struggling at this point to even move forward because of one subject that i just completely gave up and dropped out. I then started working a full time at a retail store and i hated it but i knew i needed to do something with my life. At that point in time i had lost my grandpa who we were very close to and who was very loved. Few months later i lost my best friend as well. So not only did i work at a job that i disliked so much, i felt like my personal life was also falling apart. I was surrounded by so much negativity that i decided to remove myself from all of that and start something new. I knew i always loved makeup and the creativity that came with it. I started applying mascara when i was only 12 years old and progressed as time went on. What I didn’t know was that, that was going to be a career for me. After leaving my retail job I then started working at Ulta beauty located in Arlington Tx, i felt as it was the best place for me to be in due to the fact that i already had a passion for it. A few months after working there, i looked into a school where i can expand the only thing i thought i knew at the time. I attended TINT cosmetology in Irving Tx and that itself was another challenge because there’s more that just applying the makeup, there is the knowledge behind sanitation, the products, allergies, skin types, color theory etc. I would have to go through a series of hand written test and live demo test which weren’t that challenging for me. In attending the course i met two of the most wonderful people who have changed my life through out my journey in becoming a certified makeup artist. Mrs. Shayla and Ms. February were the most patient, most loving women. They always motivated me and kept me on my toes because i was so drained from working 9-5 and speeding my way to school 5:30-10. I remember getting so little sleep through out the 9 months i was in school that i got so sick for almost a week and knew right away i needed to take it slow. In doing that, i graduated a month after my original graduation date but it was so worth it because i was no longer risking my health. Fast forward to 2020, i was still working at Ulta and would get asked by customers if i offered services and that’s how i started but it was once in a blue moon, i did however do services on family members and a few friends for events. I would say the fear kicked in, i was afraid of messing up i was afraid of not being good enough and it held me back in expanding myself as an artist. May 2020 is when i met my best friend and didn’t even know it at the time, they asked about my life and what i wanted to pursue and i told them i wanted to be a makeup artist, many questions were asked and i guess they felt the fear i had in my voice and i felt like i was getting lectured. The amount of love that was poured in to me, the motivation and confidence they gave me is what made me start thinking a bit different. I gained so much love for my best friend because they reminded me that i am strong and talented and I could do anything i set my mind to. I slowly started to invest in my makeup kit and just kept thinking to myself that its going to be worth it, a few months later i made the choice to quit Ulta and wanted to take on a full roll into being a freelancer and so i did! I believe in 2021, i met another sweet person who was running her own beauty business, her name is Sandy, she took me in and allowed met to help her in a few weddings as she was the main hairstylist. I remember praying to God everyday to allow to me to grow as an artist and keep getting booked and he did just that! I am a strong believer and in April 2024 i made the decision to get baptized because i knew I couldn’t do this without God. I am working in becoming a better version of myself and keeping my faith because i know without God i am nothing and i wound not have or be the person i am today! My parents have been apart of my amazing support system through out the years and i can say that i am truly blessed.

I’m sure it wasn’t obstacle-free, but would you say the journey has been fairly smooth so far?
I wouldn’t say a smooth road but i know I haven’t had it as bad as i know others might have been through. Through out this journey i have lost some very close people in my life, I’ve been through back problems and sickness, I wasn’t financially stable. It was prayer and keeping my faith that has gotten me this far. Gods plan isn’t always a straight line, it has many bumps and curves that we got to go through but at the end it’s what makes us stronger!

As you know, we’re big fans of you and your work. For our readers who might not be as familiar what can you tell them about what you do?
Makeup was always a passion of mine since i was young, I accomplished a lot through out the years and i only pray to continue to grow as an artist. I specialize in brides/ weddings but i have worked other occasions such as prom, baby showers, birthdays etc. I don’t have a preference, i love it all and find everyone’s situations unique. I am proud at the fact that I didn’t let my fears stop me because i know if i had let them, I wouldn’t be where I’m at today. I’m proud that i was put through different and tough situations because i know that all of those things have made me realize how blessed we are and that God will get us through any and all situations we are faced with. I am a Mexican American certified makeup artist who is short in height but very social and loves to get to meet people

Can you share something surprising about yourself?
Not only am i a makeup artist, i am also a preschool teacher during the week!


  • Makeup service ($110)
  • Travel fee (tbd depending on distance)

Contact Info:

  • Instagram: makeupbyjenirene

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