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Meet Jenny Lobo of La Lobilla Flamenco Dance Studio in DFW

Today we’d like to introduce you to Jenny Lobo.

Jenny, let’s start with your story. We’d love to hear how you got started and how the journey has been so far.
My regards and my respects first of all to all the readers of this article… that will be nothing more than the story of the rise and fall of life between successes and shocks maintained and supported by a huge passion and immense faith. Before continuing, let me introduce myself my name is Jenny Carolina Lobo Picon, a grateful and fortunate daughter of parents who loved and guided me with intelligence, values ​​and love, the chemical engineer Miguel Lobo and the obstetrician-gynecologist Mirian Picon, I am happily married for almost a dozen years who is my best friend, my support with whom I had two children, Salvador and Sebastian, together my true success… my family, my eternal grace.

Venezuelan, exactly of Maracay, the so-called garden city of my country, I studied law and I am a specialist in criminal law, I exercised it formally but my passion was already very strong in me, I am a flamenco dancer, I have a flamenco heart and what is in the heart cannot be hidden.

All this fuse of the love of flamenco was born in my childhood, in my country it is a custom that will lead us to form part of the school in other schools, so I swam for 14 years, and I was in dances since my four years in ballet classical, Venezuelan nationalist dances, Arabic dance, salsa, casino, tap and jazz, but just at nine years old, my parents bought tickets to see the Spanish national ballet show this would be in the most impressive theater of my country in the capital “Caracas” that was an hour away from my hometown, we attended the event too much I would be telling you how fabulous it was, because I left zapateando, I came out believing flamenco dancer, I left convinced that I wanted to learn that dance, that I wanted to be like each one of those bailaoras who inspired me with their discipline and impressive art.

I began to dance not only with the desire that a child would present before an ice cream, I began to attend my classes, to prefer not to go to the cinema to go to my rehearsals, miss parties and other events for being dancing, to bed late dancing, and zapatear under my desk in classes, the more I danced, the more in love I was, so I managed to ascend quickly, the step was not easier, I became better, the less I left the step or the dance the more I got involved in taking it out, this it helped me to consolidate my perseverance, in understanding that the result is not impossible, it is only on one side of the effort, of the hunger and personal discipline, of handling the frustration, the impatience and turning it into the beautiful cheerleader cheerleader “let’s go there “.

Little by little and without realizing it, I arrived at the advanced group of the flamenco studio and even more they select me to be part of the flamenco company of that school, grateful and committed I continued and continued immersed in my passion, it is when they ask me to teach Flamenco in other dance schools, being able to share my dance experience with others and teaching me another window opened, choreographing and training flamenco students to find themselves in their art spirit and the emotions that flamenco leads to discover has been a fascinating stage because every achievement of my students is a personal achievement for me the satisfaction of leaving the passion in another that finds meaning and sparkles with dance and music for your life has no comparison or price.

In this way, I was able to travel, introduce myself in the best theater in Venezuela, dance with incredible dancers and dancers, musicians and singers of an incredible talent, be part of the dance movement of my city, be a jury of magnificent dance and art competitions in Venezuela, Win state, national and international awards, a fact that today allows me to sow in the United States specifically in Dallas Texas where today I am eradicated.

I opened my own dance school “Ballenco” in 2007 which I directed for almost eight years doing two important shows annually and choreographing and teaching more than 120 student flamenco lovers.

Flamenco is a wonderful art, a dance full of magic, of the essence, personality, history, character, nobility, hardness, masculinity and femininity, all in the same dance, full of feelings, of fire, passion and truth, with a unique order to transmit!

Has it been a smooth road?
Soft! No … first, because the dance itself is for passionate and passion does not have anyone, nowadays people like to live fast to say it in some way because I would dare to say that many are not even living, then the Flamenco involves the technical, metric, auditory effort, etc. typical of the dance itself…

When I arrive in the United States with the enormous desire to cultivate art, I find a culture much faster in time, where they used to knock on my door to dance, now I would have to go out to show and give people to try From this precious art declared by UNESCO as a cultural heritage of humanity, reaching a new country and showing who you are, gaining the trust and respect of the American public has been a slow job for such a fast-paced world.

So, as you know, we’re impressed with La Lobilla Flamenco Dance Studio – tell our readers more, for example, what you’re most proud of and what sets you apart from others.
I am a flamenco dancer, choreographer and director of “LaLobilla flamenco dance studio” I proudly lead a group of flamenco students who continually improve in technique, grow in passion and project emotions through their dance, I am proud to make flamenco a style of life, which provides mental, physical balance and could say that even spiritual, which allows them to overcome obstacles and overcome personal challenges.

the difference of my flamenco school with respect to others I can unify it in three points, the first one: because apart from trying technical steps I teach to incorporate their feelings and express their emotions in their dance… the big difference is that other schools teach steps and maybe the student can do the steps this would be like doing a repetition of exercises, while when we include our essence and our feelings there for me we are dancing; second: because I teach to dance from the flamenco code, teaching to respond with the body, to have the body memory to defend by right a flamenco dance that in principle the steps are mine until my students practice it so much that now they would be of them, when they begin to feel and manifest without thinking and third and as last the teacher, yes! “I” do what I do inordinately, with love, with passion, playful and assertive, with creativity, with care and with no egolatry, with the humility necessary to know that I am unique… not the only one! But I do.

Let’s touch on your thoughts about our city – what do you like the most and least?
I will start with what I don’t like. I have more in the list of positive than negative aspects, I don’t like that there is little adsiquibility to theaters that should be spaces of art for everyone and are sectorized to a few, art must be a language of and for all…

What I like most about this city is the possibility of being able to be reunited with so many nationalities, learn about their cultures, meet wonderful and enterprising women who inspire me as @mcontemporanea @themamicam @reallymama @healthybitzdfw and many others that day from their topics they nourish and inspire me with their stories, but they also support me with their love and friendship, the city as such I like it so much that I look like a tourist guide I know part of its history and every time a visitor comes, I do not doubt in bringing them to know the majestic Dallas, modern, bohemian and absolutely Texan.

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Image Credit:

Valentina Mezza, Marian Reyes, Henrry Greyner

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