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Meet Jimmy Hill and Krystal LaBerge of Hefestus Fine Arts in Springtown

Today we’d like to introduce you to Jimmy Hill and Krystal LaBerge.

So, before we jump into specific questions about the business, why don’t you give us some details about you and your story.
Jimmy has always been into sculpture and loved art. Following what he loves has given him 30 years of working knowledge of sculpture, bronze, and patina.

Overall, has it been relatively smooth? If not, what were some of the struggles along the way?
Has it been a struggle? absolutely. Making money doing art isn’t the easiest thing, but Jimmy has always stuck with what he loves. The smooth part about our path is that we were always doing what we love and so we were always having fun. “You don’t work a day in your life if you are doing what you love.” – Jimmy

Now we have a foundry that people can walk into and tell that the people here love art…and anything can be created here. It isn’t an easy thing to get an artist to trust you with their master piece, that will ultimately be destroyed in the process, and tell them you will have a quality bronze for them at the end. “I know how much work I put into my clay models, turning them over to someone else would definitely be a struggle for me.” -Jimmy

Alright – so let’s talk business. Tell us about Hefestus Fine Arts – what should we know?
Here at Hefestus Fine Arts, we do bronze investment casting through the Lost Wax Process. We take an artist’s original piece of art and cast it in bronze. We can cast small table top bronze to bigger than life-size monuments. All of us here at Hefestus truly love what we do, we come to “work” everyday completely invested and ready to create art, this element sets us apart from other foundries. We are known for our passion and experience, and not just your run of the mill passion, passion that is bordering on madness.

Any shoutouts? Who else deserves credit in this story – who has played a meaningful role?
Jimmy: Paul Bryant Sr. taught me everything he knew about bronze casting. Mr. B was always willing to share information and let you try something for yourself. He loved the process and made it seem like a magic trick. I’ve been in many other foundries in the last 25 years and you could sum his system up in one word… ‘finesse’.

Jennifer & Randy Gannoe, our business partners, believed in our dreams and helped make them a reality!

Our entire crew, they come to work every day ready to work with a smile on their faces!
Chris Denham, Silas Hill, Braedon Meadors, Kevin Bryant, & Cesar Trejo

The awesome artists and people that we get to work with! Lisa Perry, Kelly Graham, Shelley Kolman Smith, Jack Stevens, Jerry Vaughn, Todd Mueller, John David Rule, Tomas Busto, Ronald Welborn, and the AQHA.

Contact Info:

Getting in touch: VoyageDallas is built on recommendations from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you know someone who deserves recognition please let us know here.

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