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Meet Kate Jade of Arlington, Texas

Today we’d like to introduce you to Kate Jade

Hi Kate, so excited to have you with us today. What can you tell us about your story?
Since childhood, I’ve had the ability to see into spiritual realms and interact with angelic beings, deceased loved ones, and otherworldly creatures. These experiences fueled the creative spark within me and were a major factor in my love for writing and storytelling. A big piece of my journey, though, was overcoming the fear associated with these spiritual gifts and unwinding what I was taught during my religious upbringing in order to fully embrace this core piece of who I am.

When I first began taking my esoteric path seriously in 2011, I honestly had no idea what I was in for. Just like Frodo at the beginning of The Lord of the Rings, or any other magickal epic adventure story, I heard the call, I saw glimpses of wisdom and truth, and I embarked on what would become the journey of a lifetime for me (and spoiler alert: I’m still on it…).

My path started with an introduction to esoteric mysteries that revealed answers to questions I had asked since girlhood. They validated the paradoxical nature of our existence and brought a healing to my spirit that was incredibly freeing. This process and a near-death experience in 2018 are ultimately what brought where I am today. Now, all these years later, I am fully embracing my creative gifts and working to help others learn about their spiritual abilities through our online platform, Astarte’s Temple, which features free courses, a metaphysical shop, my published books, blog articles, and more.

Alright, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
Nothing about this journey has been smooth and I owe a great deal of gratitude to my husband, Wes, who has believed in me and our path since day one. As with anything in the spiritual and metaphysical space, there are a lot of strong opinions in opposition to embracing such things—and for a good chunk of my life, I feared being labeled as “evil” and suppressed and hid many of my natural gifts. Overcoming this has been my biggest life lesson up to now, and I’m so thankful to be surrounded by people who have accepted me in my entirety and been supportive of everything I’ve been creating through Astarte’s Temple.

Alright, so let’s switch gears a bit and talk business. What should we know about your work?
A supernatural storyteller and esoteric educator at heart, my focus is always on getting back to the ancient origins of spiritual traditions, recovering the older path that has been swept away by modern religion, and finding balance in the extremes of what we’re taught in life to bring about true rebirth and life through the release (death) of what’s no longer serving us.

Everything I create, whether it be the copy for my next book, a course to help others learn more about esoteric wisdom, or hand-crafted jewelry to connect individuals to the divine, is made with powerful energy and intentions. There are so many facets of divinity, and if I accomplish nothing else in my life except helping people understand those pieces in a meaningful way, I’ll be satisfied. This is a major reason why I am committed to everything in our shop being ethically-sourced, hand-crafted when possible, and sound-cleansed before being shipped or handed to the customer.

My most recent work is a book titled The Mother of the Gods, which helps people understand the complex and paradoxical nature of the energy that connects all of life. Anyone who picks up a copy of this book should prepare to meet the Mother of the Gods as she has revealed herself to me as one (1)—the connector of all things, as seven (7)—the structure of all things, and as one hundred and seventeen (117)—the manifestation of all things. My hope is that this work serves fellow practitioners well on their wisdom journeys, whether they come to know her through religion, science, spirituality, magick, occultism, music, art, love, philosophy, or anything else that ignites their soul.

We love surprises, fun facts and unexpected stories. Is there something you can share that might surprise us?
My husband and I are obsessed with animals and traveling. We have a dog and two cats. And we are only 10 states away from having visited all 50 together. Out of everywhere we have visited, Yellowstone during baby animal season is our absolute favorite place (other than being at the beach, of course).

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Image Credits
All photos were taken by me or purchased directly from the photographer.

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