Today we’d like to introduce you to Katelyn Maida.
Katelyn, can you briefly walk us through your story – how you started and how you got to where you are today.
My love of music started at an early age in my family home. My dad always surrounded us with music of all genres. I just could never get enough of the way music moved us all, the dancing, the laughing, the singing. I set out as a young adult with one career goal in mind and that was to chase a job that moved me the same way the music did. No, I can’t sing to save my life so radio was where I found my passion. Of course, growing up in Texas puts country music on the forefront and it’s there that I found my first career on radio.
While attending the University of Houston I started a double internship at my hometown radio station The New 93Q under some of radio’s greatest. I did everything I could to soak in all of the knowledge I could while I was there and I was in a great place for it. I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention that The New 93Q and that entire radio cluster was filled with the best kind of people that a young person entering the workforce could come across. They believe in harboring and growing young talent and it’s my one dream for every young adult that they can start their careers with a company like that.
I was hired there part-time after my internship and given incredible opportunities to showcase all of the skills I had learned. That led to a full-time position with them exploring the digital and social media side of radio. Not long after I got a call that changed my life. A morning show position was opening in Dallas/Fort Worth and I was up for the job. I took a leap of faith, leaving home behind and taking a position I always dreamed of in a new city. It’s now been six years that I’ve gotten to call DFW home. My greatest accomplishment to date has been finding a space to connect with my listeners here at my new home to a point where I now treasure them as my second family.
We’re always bombarded by how great it is to pursue your passion, etc – but we’ve spoken with enough people to know that it’s not always easy. Overall, would you say things have been easy for you?
Life is never a smooth road and to be honest, I don’t wish I could say that it is. My struggles have been some that I would never wish on others but that I would never take away from myself. Those struggles taught me how to navigate an industry that is still very male-driven. Their outcomes presented me with opportunities to open doors and pave the way for other women and young girls. It’s a very real thing that we, as humans, find our calling in our struggles and as I continue to grow in my industry I look forward to breaking more barriers for young women and men who stay hungry, invested and passionate despite the odds.
We’d love to hear more about your work.
I co-host one of Dallas/Fort Worth’s longest-running morning shows as my co-host has been here for over 30 years. Our listeners have gotten to know me as “Connected K” a moniker that was given to me at my previous station for my work in connecting listeners through social media. They may have noticed that recently we’ve been incorporating my real name, Katelyn, into the show more. This has been an important process as I continue to peel back all of the fun… and interesting layers of who I am.
Most mornings you’ll hear me messing with my co-host (he makes it too easy and too fun), towing the inappropriate line, and giving you a huge dose of my real life. I’ve always been an open book. While some private people might feel I’m too open, I love to find common ground with everyone else. If I can help at least one person by sharing my mistakes and helping them to laugh through life with me then I’m doing it the right way. In this age of social media smokescreen, I can’t stress how important it is to be organically yourself. Oh, the places you’ll go when you are your strongest foundation.
Has luck played a meaningful role in your life and business?
Ah, “luck”.. what a subjective word. I don’t know if I believe in luck as much as I do the opportunity. Opportunity has given me some of my greatest achievements and also some of my greatest setbacks. I believe that instead of relying on luck we should all strive to present as many people as possible with opportunity. It’s so important to me that we continuously create new opportunities and open new doors for all people so that the idea of being “unlucky” stops holding us back.
Contact Info:
- Website: www.katelynmaida.com
- Instagram: www.instagram.com/theconnectedk
- Facebook: www.facebook.com/theconnectedk
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