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Meet Katherine Moyer of Enhanced Potential in Richardson

Today we’d like to introduce you to Katherine Moyer.

Katherine, let’s start with your story. We’d love to hear how you got started and how the journey has been so far.
By age two, my parents had separated and shortly after … divorced. My father stayed in California; my mother returned to Utah where she had been raised. By thirteen, mom divorced her fourth husband and dad, his third wife. Moving every year and a half between them, gave plenty opportunities for environmental adapting. My life theme was “Constant Change” – new schools, new friends, new homes, and even new families. It seemed I was always adjusting to new experiences.

At twenty-four, I too was divorced after a year and half marriage, living with mom, surrounded by chaos in an environment lacking fulfillment and support for growth in my life. Still putting all my effort and energy into surviving the circumstances. After a childhood of “I can’t messages”, I was living an adult life of “I can’t experiences”, unconsciously following the patterns that had been modeled during my childhood. Paychecks, relationships, addresses and social circles were all short term.

At twenty-nine, a blinding flash of the obvious hit me. If I wanted to grow beyond my environment, I would need to create space between the dysfunctional daily drama and me. I decided to leave Utah. I packed my bags and moved to Dallas, Texas! I’d never been there, didn’t know anyone there, and had no job waiting for me when I arrived. Some might call that brave and courageous. For me, it was simply survival.

In hindsight, this was one of the best decision I ever made!

Shortly after arriving in Dallas, I realized familiar dysfunction was reappearing with different faces and names; even though I left that old dysfunction fifteen hundred miles behind me. The next blinding flash of the obvious hit me … Everywhere I go, there I am!

Even more clarity arrived. If I truly wanted something different, I needed to BECOME something different. And becoming something different was going to require me DOING something more different than just moving to a new state. And so, the journey began to figure out HOW.

This deep desire for a more fulfilling life ultimately lead me to PSYCH-K® and then, everything changed.

The moment I heard Cell Biologist Dr. Bruce Lipton speaking about the “Biology of Perception” I knew I had found an important piece to the puzzle. I dove in head first, completing the Basic and Advanced levels of training within one week! I was even fortunate enough to receive my Advanced training with Originator himself, Rob Williams!

The next eleven months was all about committing to my own personal transformation. My relationships improved, my friendships deepened, I was promoted twice within six months at my job and finally discovered what I was really good at … Training! My financial situation improved, people were coming to me asking for help with their lives. My own manager and department head were so impressed, they attended the Basic and Advanced levels of training to improve their own lives.

And then, the third blinding flash of the obvious hit me. I MUST share this with others!

And a new chapter began.

It was an honor to be personally selected and certified as an instructor by Rob Williams himself in 2002. Following this, I offered weekend workshops locally and in the surrounding areas.

Fast-forward to today, I celebrate stability in a long, loving marriage (OMG) and actually retired after a rewarding career as an IT Trainer and problem solver with a Fortune 150 Company (OMG). With the ability to blend my unique personal and career background with the power of PSYCH-K®, I now teach internationally (OMG) and love holding space for people to move past limitations. I am grateful for my own journey and for the opportunity to give hope and tools to people of all backgrounds to re-write the software of their mind to change the printout of their lives!

I believe during this human experience we build layers of illusions that separate us from our truth. I believe, when the personal timing is right, every person on this planet can benefit using these processes. I also feel passing an opportunity to learn and experience this cutting-edge, ancient wisdom is cheating yourself!

No matter what your story is, where you come from, what you look like, what you’ve been through … every day you are writing the story of your life. The coming chapters could have a wild twist!

We’re always bombarded by how great it is to pursue your passion, etc – but we’ve spoken with enough people to know that it’s not always easy. Overall, would you say things have been easy for you?
Seems like there were loads of obstacles and challenges!

When I arrived in Dallas January of 1995 my reservation at Days Inn was lost and the rate was more than expected. I drove passed a Motel 6 down the road so went back there and asked the clerk for the best rate possible because I didn’t know how long I’d be there and was new to the area. He was kind enough to give me the senior discount (LOL, I was 29).

I had an interview the next morning. When I arrived, they said the position had already been filled. What?! They knew I was flying in from Utah for the interview? Disappointed, I needed to dust off pretty quickly and find a place to stay then continue the job hunt.

That afternoon I explored a few apartments but without a job would need to look for alternatives. I searched the “Greensheet newspaper” and found a lady renting out a room in her house. Yeah! One task down. Went and packed up my motel room and when I got back to her place, she rented the room to traveling business man instead!? Disappointed, I had to keep moving forward. Back to Motel 6 I went and was able to just move back into my room.

Next day, I found another lady renting a room, a nurse who worked 10 days on and 10. days off with two little poodles that needed watching when she was gone. Perfect! Moved in there and started looking for a job. On the suggestion of someone back home, went to a dealership and was to begin sales Monday morning. A friend was scheduled to drive my car to me but came down with “tennis elbow” and wouldn’t be able to drive. Disappointed, I had to get back to Utah and drive it myself. Ended up with a flight that took 12 hours with 5 stops to get the best rate possible.

Car loaded and goodbyes over I hit the road! Turned out to be a crazy snow blizzard that night. I had to follow the brake lights of semi-trucks most of the way because I couldn’t see the road. I drove 35 hours straight to get 1500 miles. Before leaving Utah, I had the foresight to install a CB radio in case of emergency (before the age of cell phones). I had an opportunity in my late teens to be homeless and abandoned in a strange city and found rescue with a truck driver willing to help me out. After spending a summer driving with him across the country, the radio seemed like a perfect life line in a pinch. Turned out to be very helpful and conversed while traveling with a convoy most of the way to Dallas.

One driver recommended a little pub he frequented in Dallas. I visited that weekend and met a car salesman who encouraged me to be at a bigger dealership with  more traffic. That Monday, he introduced me to his manager and I started as a sales person that day.

My skill at car sells was slow and within two and a half months I was looking for another place to live. Without enough to pay for an apartment I had to get creative with my credit cards. My manager had a brilliant idea to start a business. Feeling up for almost anything I agreed to be his partner. We filed the paperwork, created a corporation. I bought a computer and furnished my apartment more appropriately for doing business from home.

That didn’t turn out well. Originally, we agreed he would pay my salary until the business could do it. Pretty immediately after getting everything set up, when it was payday and bills were due he conveniently picked an agreement and there was no money. That pattern went on and on. I kept thinking the next month things would be different. I eventually had to walk away and but my losses at $17,000.

And the next chapter begins.

I started working at a temporary agency and was assigned as a technical support agent in the call center of a local retailer. I figured that would be at least two weeks of pay. Once the training was finished and they tested me on what I learned, I’d fail and be looking again. Although I had used computers, I didn’t know much about “how” they worked. Turned out, no final test! Straight to the phones and call taking. I was resourceful in finding answers, solved high volumes of calls and they were happy. After seven months as a temporary they finally hired me full time. Whew! What a relief, a regular paycheck.

Now with a “real job” I started concentrating of paying down my $60,000 of credit debt!

I started dipping into old patterns and soon became a problem employee and the head of the department wanted to terminate me. Still looking for powerful ways to BE a better version of myself, I found PSYCH-K and took my first ever paid vacation to complete the Basic and Advanced training classes in San Antonio, TX. When I walked back into the office that Monday morning … they ALL noticed something was very different!

This ultimately lead to the discovery of a super power at work I didn’t even know I possessed. Training! After that week of transformation in San Antonio, a promotion to salary and another promotion to a higher-level support team came. Then onto a compensation level manager. Gained the title of Technical Manager, creating and delivering training programs, writing manuals. Training all the new temporary agents that were coming in. Started training the trainers … and so the story goes.

Then came the next hardest decision since leaving Utah.

In 2007 things started changing at the job. People retired, departments merged. It didn’t feel like I was where I was supposed to be anymore. After actually having longevity with one company for 15 years, earning 5 weeks of vacation, a 401K, an impressive paycheck …, in a failing economy where people were losing their homes and tent cities were popping up everywhere … in 2009, I retired!

Retiring was another hard decision, and once again, best decision I could have made.

And a new chapter started!

So, as you know, we’re impressed with Enhanced Potential – tell our readers more, for example what you’re most proud of as a company and what sets you apart from others.
Our Workshops and Private Sessions offer a “do-with” process that honors the power and responsibility of the individual seeking change, rather than giving your personal power to the person facilitating the change processes. We engage and activate the inner resources of the subconscious and superconscious minds using an individual’s own internal GPS system via muscle testing.

Interaction with your inner wisdom or superconscious connection, ensures the goals and beliefs changed will be safe and appropriate for you. These built-in permission protocols are one of our most significant advantages.

Regarding the Superconscious Connection – For thousands of years, the idea of a superconscious mind also referred to as Higher Self, Spirit, or Soul, has been debated by scientists and psychologists, and accepted by some of humanity’s brightest intellects. This reality of a spiritually expanded consciousness is an important bridge between contemporary spirituality and contemporary psychology. We provide a format that actively blends the two perspectives.

What we offer is also ideal for practitioners looking for new ways to help their clients improve their overall quality of life. Although it isn’t necessary to have a healing practice to participate, it works synergistically with any healing practice; whether you’re a therapist, energy healer, medical professional, life coach, or clergy.

So, what’s next? Any big plans?
Nurturing sacred global evolution is our focus. We’re listening with open arms to what wants to unfold for our Dallas community.

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Getting in touch: VoyageDallas is built on recommendations from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you know someone who deserves recognition please let us know here.

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