Today we’d like to introduce you to Ken Cao.
Every artist has a unique story. Can you briefly walk us through yours?
I’ve always been attracted to art and drawing since I was very young, let’s just say there were a lot of Sailor Moon drawings on the back of my elementary school homework papers.
But coming from an immigrant family, the idea of pursuing art as a career never really occurred to me until college. I was a premed major who was having a really hard time caring about what I was learning. One letter changed everything for me though, “C”.
C, as in creativity.
C, as in craft.
C, as in that was my Biology101 grade.
Next semester I changed my major to art with a specialization in visual communication at UTA, and I’ve never looked back.
Please tell us about your art.
As a graphic designer by education and trade, it took me a while to actually start seeing myself as an artist. All the pieces were there, design is by definition a part of art, but I was just so boxed in by my own definition of what I thought design and art were.
My breakthrough was realizing that there is no division between the two at all, that design was a part of art and that art could be a part of design. It’s like a venn diagram, but instead of circles overlapping, art was the container for every medium and creative discipline.
The turning point in my work can be pinpointed back to this realization, that I can combine my own discipline with others to express my emotions and thoughts. I guess that’s why I’m so protective of my work, because it’s graphic, digital, and designed; yes. But to me it’s just like if it were a painting.
Is that too pretentious? I guess I’ve also stopped caring about how others value my work, but rather how I value my own work. I kind of hope that people get that when they see my work, my goal is to create irreverent work that challenges society and myself.
The messages that I want to convey with my work is that we are all inherently creative and everyone owes it to ourselves to have an outlet for it. Art and design bring me so much joy, it’s helped me find my voice and through art I can share that voice in hopes that anyone who needs to see it in that moment, will.
And hopefully it encourages others to share theirs, the world thrives on community and connecting with others. To me it starts by listening to ourselves, know that we are valid, and share our light with each other.
As an artist, how do you define success and what quality or characteristic do you feel is essential to success as an artist?
I’ve struggled with the idea for success for a hot minute. And while I am a huge proponent of having a vision and goals to work towards, success to me will always be elusive.
Not to be a pessimist or a Derek Downer (downers don’t have to just be women) but as humans our idea of personal success is ever changing. It’s like that dream we all have of walking down an increasingly elongating hallway that doesn’t seem to stop. We will always want more, no matter where we’re at in life.
And that’s part of the beauty, is that we innately never stop our pursuits of greater things. But I’ve learned to value progress over success. Success is a pinpoint in time, progress is the bigger picture.
To achieve either though, I think we must be perma-curious. Always be learning, whether that’s reading books/articles, podcasts, taking a workshop or trying a new hobby.
Alongside curiosity, we must destroy our current notion of mistakes and failure. Its cliché, but mistakes really just lessons that we must learn from. Discard fear, be vulnerable, and question everything.
When we combine these factors, we’re able to experiment without fear, and that’s when some of the greatest a-ha moments happen. So in short, I can’t define success, not even for myself. But that’s because I’d rather focus on progress and everything else that’ll lead me to satisfaction.
How or where can people see your work? How can people support your work?
Viewers can find my work on my website at www.ken-cao.com
I’m currently in a transitional phase, so it will be interesting for any visitors wanting to see an artist in the act of reinvention.
My work is a part of my daily life and can also be found on my Instagram: @_kencao
Social media and I’s relationship is a tumultuous one, but I love how organic and safe it is to share my work and connect with people who are attracted to the same things I am.
You can support my work by simply clicking follow and saying hi, leave a comment, or message me. My heart flies with the eagle’s nest, when I can create a genuine connection with others.
Contact Info:
- Website: www.ken-cao.com
- Email: hello@ken-cao.com
- Instagram: _kencao
- Twitter: _kencao
Image Credit:
Ken Cao
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