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Meet LeeAnne Rogers of Life Design with LeeAnne in Arlington

Today we’d like to introduce you to LeeAnne Rogers.

LeeAnne, let’s start with your story. We’d love to hear how you got started and how the journey has been so far.
I have always had a passion for creative arts. When I went to college, while I wanted to study design, my practical nature had me choose the path of my other love, writing. I graduated with a degree in English and started my career as an editor in educational publishing. After eight years of working for companies like Harcourt Brace, and the STEM test prep division at Rice University, I was looking for a change. I met Tara Wilson, an experienced event designer in Fort Worth, and we became friends. Tara soon offered me a job working for her company, and I dove headfirst into producing social, non-profit, and corporate events.

In 2014, I was offered a position at Cook Children’s, where I was a special events fundraiser and was able to plan and participate in some of Fort Worth’s most beloved events, such as Pickin’ for Preemies and the Jewel Charity Ball. I also helped launch the Our Promise Luncheon, benefiting Pediatric Oncology research. In 2017, I was approached by a large design company in Dallas and transitioned to my role there. I was able to work with an even larger number of non-profits around north Texas, as well as design events for the Dallas Mavericks and Major League Baseball. I had found my dream career, yet still missed writing.

In 2015, I was approached by a friend who asked if I would be open to mentoring her goddaughter as she applied for college. She knew I had a strong writing background and a passion for education. My mother was a high school guidance counselor for her entire career and specialized in college admissions. She encouraged me to pursue this new avenue for my writing. After months of coaching, my first student was admitted to CalTech. Since then, my students have been accepted to Duke, Stanford, UCLA, UC Berkeley, UC Irvine, OU, and Baylor. Several of my students have received academic scholarships as well.

In March 2020, I was at the pinnacle of my event design career, then COVID struck. Within a matter of days, my company lost all of our business and I was laid off from my dream job. At first, I wasn’t sure what I would do. But I soon realized that I had the talent and skills to pursue both of my passions and launch my own business. Life Design with LeeAnne was born out of my passion for design and writing. My love for event design sparked my talent for mixing color and pattern and creating spaces that are beautiful AND livable. When I wasn’t designing events, I helped countless friends create spaces in their homes that they loved, so I decided to offer those services in my new endeavors! Whether you need to source new decor, incorporate existing pieces, create a home color palette, or design an entire room, I can help you creat a home you love to live in.

I already had an existing base for my college admissions coaching, but now had the time to work with many more students. I guide my pupils using self-discovery exercises to craft stories about their lives that can’t be found on their transcripts or resumes. I challenge them to show admissions officers what makes them unique and how they can help change the world through furthering their education.

Overall, has it been relatively smooth? If not, what were some of the struggles along the way?
Starting your own business is always an uphill climb. With COVID, many families are struggling, and I realize that many have lost jobs or taken reductions in pay. I, too, was in that boat. I have worked hard to build a reputation as someone who is approachable and affordable so that families can have a beautiful home, no matter their budget.

While no one has all the answers when they start, the only way to build success is to keep taking steps forward. Each day I’m learning new things to help build a solid foundation for my business and to provide excellent service to my clients.

Please tell us about Life Design with LeeAnne.
As the daughter of a JAG officer and High School Guidance Counselor, I know a lot about structure, flexibility, and what you need to be recognized by top universities. I bring all of this experience to help inspire my students and guide them through the rigorous college admissions process. I work with high achieving high school juniors and seniors. Most of my students are ranked in the top of their class and participate in academic, philanthropic, and extracurricular activities. I also help students who attend academically competitive high schools who have excellent grades but are just out of reach of automatic acceptance to state schools.

My design services are focused on families who want a beautiful home, but often think they can’t afford a designer. I’m here to prove them wrong! I provide affordable options for every budget and can provide options for the busiest family. By sending virtual, shoppable design boards and layouts, I can provide design without ever stepping inside your home. I think now more than ever, we all realize we need to love the home we live in. I have helped many families help their children achieve their dream of getting into top colleges. They come from all backgrounds, ethnicities, and walks of life. I approach design in a similar way. You don’t have to have a designer budget to achieve your goals. If you are willing to have an open mind, all things are possible!

If you had to go back in time and start over, would you have done anything differently?
Honestly, I would have trusted my own journey and been more patient. I tell many of my students that the no is just as important as the yes. When doors close, it is usually for a reason. While like everyone else, I never anticipated a global pandemic, however, I looked for the good in the midst of a bad situation and used the skills and talents that I had in order to help others. Isn’t that really everyone’s dream?


  • Virtual/Shoppable Design Boards start at $200.
  • College Admissions Coaching starts at $75/hour.

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