Today we’d like to introduce you to Mando Salas.
Mando, let’s start with your story. We’d love to hear how you got started and how the journey has been so far.
I started performing professionally as a musician back in 2015. It had always been a passion of mine. I knew I wanted to make a career of it, so I decided to jump right in! At the time, I was going to Texas A&M University in College Station. My very first “gig” was busking on the streets in Bryan, the neighboring city. I had a lot of fun busking and learned more about what it was to be a performer. After a couple months of busking, I started to make my way into the bars & music venues. I did that until I graduated college. After graduation, I moved up here to the DFW area with my wife and we have been playing music ever since. I now say we, because my wife, Chelsie, has inherited playing music with me ever since she started dating me! She has a wonderful, vibrant, and smooth voice that is a great compliment to my gravely & loud voice. This past month of October, we actually released our Debut Album called “Forever.” We are very proud of this album. It features two duets and six other alternative-country songs. Definitely worth listening to, but hey – I made it, so of course, I’d say that! Ever since the release of the album, we have been just doing our best to make the rounds all over Texas to get the music heard! Lastly, to generalize about where we are today. We owe our success to our family, friends, fans, & the Lord above! We have such a unique and loving group of people that care about what we do, that we wouldn’t trade the relationship we have with them for the world! They have always helped us along this journey of being musicians. It’s not the easiest of journeys, but it sure is what makes us happy.
Overall, has it been relatively smooth? If not, what were some of the struggles along the way?
If it has been a smooth road for anyone out there, please fill me in on your secrets! Ha! The road for us out here has been just as hard as it has been for the rest of what I will call, our “Music Family.” Just to be clear when I’m talking about our Music Family, I’m referring to all of our friends, but basically family, that are making a living as working musicians. There are so many things that go into our line of work that goes unseen! This has been a topic of discussion for me recently. Music’s main purpose, in my opinion, is to invoke emotion in the people who listen to it. What is interesting is that all of what I consider to be “art” has this same end goal. However, each piece of art has a different time restraint to achieve this goal. The example would be – in movies, you have two hours, in a play you have 45 minutes, but in music, you have three minutes. You have three minutes to invoke emotion in your listeners per song. This is a craft that is very difficult to master. Us musicians spend countless hours thinking, writing and practicing these songs that we make out of thin air, to play them to you, the audience, for three minutes.
The point I’m trying to get across with this whole explanation is that if you come across a song, just listen to it. It takes three minutes and you might love it!
In retrospect, the biggest challenge that I face as a musician in 2018 is not putting in the effort to get the songs ready to be heard. The biggest challenge is getting the music to the masses. Getting your songs heard, or even putting your songs in a position to be heard – a.k.a. the business side of music. This day and age, a musician has to not only create the music but he/she also has to be a businessman/woman and learn to market, promote, and sell their brand. The one thing that I have learned from the music business is sole that it IS a business, so you can only get so far with your “art.”
Alright – so let’s talk business. Tell us about Mando Salas – what should we know?
As a business, Mando Salas is a music group that creatively makes songs in the Texas Country/Red Dirt/Alternative – Country Genre. I would say I am the owner of the business and my roles would include everything under the sun! What I do includes:
1. Creating the Songs
2. Booking Agent
3. Legal Agent
4. Band & Tour Manager
5. Marketing
6. Promoter
7. Performer
These would be the main categories I focus on. Mando Salas is known for playing a unique type of “country” music that is very raw and real. I would say I am most proud of how far we have come, and I am very optimistic to see what the future holds. I feel like we are on a good track, we just need to stay on the train!
If there was one thing that separates us from other bands it would be my voice! I usually tell people I literally yell every song – because i do!
Any shoutouts? Who else deserves credit in this story – who has played a meaningful role?
Like I’ve said earlier, I definitely give all the credit to God, but my friends and family have definitely been a big part of our success. I also give credit to my father. He was a huge lover of music, and if he wasn’t such a music fanatic, I don’t think I would have grown to love music like I do today.
- Forever (Album) $9.99
Contact Info:
- Website: www.mandosalas.com
- Email: mandosalasmusic@gmail.com
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mandosalas_official/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MandoSalasMusic/
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/mandosalasmusic?lang=en
Getting in touch: VoyageDallas is built on recommendations from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you know someone who deserves recognition please let us know here.