Today we’d like to introduce you to Mose Thomas.
Hi Mose, can you start by introducing yourself? We’d love to learn more about how you got to where you are today.
It started back in 2006 after graduating high school. I realized I was able to do and learn whatever I wanted after High School. But it really started when I connected strongly with Marching Band. This wasn’t no ordinary band. Best band in the land. Central High School in Beaumont, Texas. It was guided my Mr. Carl Collins. He presented and taught us how to understand music for the creativity standpoint. Identifying sounds, clashes with different tones and pitches, and how-to vibe to the beat. All while marching on tempo. It was not a easy task, but it paved the way to enter the dance world a step ahead.
I started dancing back in 2007 in Beaumont, Texas where I developed myself and my style in Hip-hop freestyle and choreography. But July 2011 changed my whole life. I was becoming a father to a little boy.
Now 11 years later, have the opportunity to raise 3 beautiful kids (2 boys, 1 girl) and emerged my dancing career to become and Hip-hop coordinator at Dancer Strong Studio in McKinney, Texas. I’m also engaged to my beautiful lady Jaimee. This Path as gave birth to my own company ProkidMovement. I’m able to reach to individuals from kids to adults and teach them confidence, help them develop the skills they desire in life all through dance. If you only look at dance as “DANCE,” then you won’t be able to see how Dancing is more that just that. Gives you an opportunity to grow, understand, and build YOU without even knowing.
Alright, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall, and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
Road with dancing and being a Black father while helping individuals grow is not easy.
I’m tall; 6’6 to be exact. And I get the statement: “Aww man you’re wasting your height young blood.”
“Boys shouldn’t be dancing.”
“If I had your height I would be in the NBA by now.”
“You need a real job. Dancing is not going to take you anywhere.”
Still to this day the BIGGEST challenge I face is doubting/second-guessing my skills. To the point It makes me think am I worth it in this life? We all doubt our God gift talents, and I think that’s natural to doubt them. Growth is always on the other side. We just can see it at that moment. If you are not being challenged or haven’t encountered an obstacle, then you are not living. Just my opinion.
Sometimes I do reflect back on the path and where I have been, some things could have been different. But we all grow and learn from our mistakes.
As you know, we’re big fans of you and your work. For our readers who might not be as familiar what can you tell them about what you do?
Truth is, the amount of time I have put into dancing and developing my skills, I have also been in IT for the past 12 years. A lot of people don’t know that about me. I’ve had the opportunity to work/partner with BIG companies like Sony, Microsoft, Samsung, Dell, and more. Tech and dance go hand and hand in my life. Part of my life that makes me and keeps me authentic to myself.
Truth be told the company name was founded by just making a simple YouTube page to post my videos in 2008.” Our slogan “You Are The Movement* is for everyone in life. Everything requires movement for an outcome. So no matter what you do in life remember “You Are The Movement.” That’sProkidMovement. If you need to look good while staying comfortable ProkidMovement can do that. You need to learn some new steps or need a choreographer for an event? ProkidMovement got you covered. You want to create a visual reel or video? ProkidMovementvisuals got you covered. I just want be able to help everyone that’s needing helping hand.
Have you learned any interesting or important lessons due to the Covid-19 Crisis?
People can be out your life in a matter of seconds.
And you never know what someone is facing on the other side of the phone. I had so many customers’ phone interactions saying they have to change their tech options due to loss of a loved one with Covid. When you know you have a good giving heart and you can’t help someone, it hits hard. Now, I try my best to be patient and understanding with people in life. They are trying and fighting the path of life just like we are.
- Private Dance Lessons- $60/hr
- 2 people- $105/hr
- 3 or more- custom rate
Contact Info:
- Instagram: instagram.com/Prokid | instagram.com/ProkidMovementapparel | instagram.com/Prokidmovementvisuals