Today we’d like to introduce you to Phillipa Williams.
So, before we jump into specific questions about the business, why don’t you give us some details about you and your story.
It all began with a blog. I was looking for an outlet to empower women in leadership when I launched the blog ilooklikeLOVE.com on Labor Day 2015. In the following weeks, the vision transitioned from encouragement on the page to a desire to engage women using what I believe is one of the most powerful vehicles for change – motherhood. And so, we began the process of making ilooklikeLOVE, Inc. a reality. Our 501 (c) (3) status was approved in December 2015, and our doors opened July 2016.
The anchor for our programming is our “pop-up” mobile diaper pantry. Since January 2018, ilooklikeLOVE has served in partnership with Dallas WIC as a provider of diapers and other well-baby items through our monthly “Diaper Day @ WIC” events. The need has been great, with as many as 130 babies being served in one day. By the end of 2018, 38,150 diapers were distributed to 616 families in need, and we anticipate disbursing at least 50,000 fresh, clean diapers into the community this year. This work is a labor of love that can only happen because of the community, partners, and volunteers who have rallied around this effort to ensure the health and well-being of Dallas children. I encourage others to join us in the fight against diaper need.
We’re always bombarded by how great it is to pursue your passion, etc. – but we’ve spoken with enough people to know that it’s not always easy. Overall, would you say things have been easy for you?
It has not been an easy path, but despite the hurdles I have learned to remain optimistic. I choose to look at our organization as one that grows the same way a child does – from an infant building on the basics to a toddler learning how to stand on their own two feet and ultimately expand in reach and knowledge. We’ve had to move locations, adjust our business model, say “goodbye” and “hello” to board members, volunteers, and supporters. But this is the cost of doing business and making the vision a reality. I believe too often, founders equip themselves for their passion, but not necessarily for business. There must be a union, a marriage between the two where they each give all of themselves to the other. It is a continual process. My business strategy, infrastructure, and operations have to keep my passion in check, and my passion has to inspire how I navigate in business.
We’d love to hear more about your organization.
ilooklikeLOVE is a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit providing resources and empowerment opportunities through our community pop-up diaper pantry and mentoring for single mothers. As the only direct service diaper program in Dallas, we have built a reputation in Dallas as a service provider of unique services for young families.
But unlike traditional social services, we also encourage mothers to work toward a more stable household by providing diaper stipends for participants in ilooklikeLOVE and partnering sustainability programs. We reinforce the parent’s commitment to completing a training or development program through diaper stipends. By giving an immediate financial relief to the household, we find that moms motivated and encouraged in a meaningful way to see through the process towards financial stability. Women with experience in navigating a young family and pursuing their dreams are also available to mentor mothers as they develop their Personal Pathway Plan based on personal, educational, and financial goals. Official recruiting for new mentors will begin in July for the upcoming fall season, but in the meantime I encourage those who are interested to connect with us and let us know of their interest in serving.
What were you like growing up?
I was a precocious child, always eager to communicate and learn. Members in my church saw this in me at an early age and put me in leadership positions to develop and nurture my gifts and talents. Doing so taught me how to effectively focus my energy into forward-moving, forward-thinking opportunities and strategically grow vision to fruition. In appreciation of what my community poured into me, I work to empower others past settling for potential and into manifestation of purpose.
Contact Info:
- Website: ilooklikeLOVE.org
- Phone: 8005695897
- Email: letsconnect@ilooklikeLOVE.org
- Instagram: ilooklikelove_
- Facebook: www.facebook.com/youlooklikeLOVEtome
- Twitter: ilooklikelove_
Getting in touch: VoyageDallas is built on recommendations from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you know someone who deserves recognition please let us know here.