Today we’d like to introduce you to Radha Subramanian.
Hi Radha, so excited to have you on the platform. So before we get into questions about your work life, maybe you can bring our readers up to speed on your story and how you got to where you are today.
Himalayan School of Traditional Dance is a platform inspired by Mohanji – a spiritual Master and a selfless leader who is guiding people towards inner transformation. Art, by its very nature, touches the realms of the subtle, breaking the gross barriers of the outer world.
We, at the Himalayan School of Traditional Dance train students in the classical arts of Bharatanatyam and Kathak. For me, dance is a way to connect to my true self and soak in the divine. By teaching this art form, I can give back to society by collaborating with those who are like-minded. Apart from dance, I am also able to pass on the timeless wisdom that is intertwined with art.
I see this as a great opportunity for an inner journey, especially for children and youngsters bubbling with energy. Many youngsters also face physical and mental problems owing to the present-day lifestyle. By learning Bharatanatyam, one gets to embrace physical discipline. Dance relaxes the mind and allows one to unleash their creative potential.
I’m sure you wouldn’t say it’s been obstacle free, but so far would you say the journey have been a fairly smooth road?
There are different stages that one goes through as one pursues the art form. At the beginner’s level, one focuses on achieving stability and speed to execute the movements in total synchronization with the solfa syllables. With constant practice increasing our physical stamina, one can move to the next level of performing longer-duration portrayals.
With time, several possibilities slowly open up for the artist to explore and manifest their inner creativity in myriad flavors unique to the artist. Thus dance becomes an extension of the dancer and it gracefully reflects their very being. At this stage, the artist effortlessly transcends the challenges at the physical level to experience the joy of being one with the character that they portray. It thus becomes a celebration of the “Inner self” to experience that very essence in the infinite variety.
Over the years, I have gone through all these stages of growth as an artist and it has helped me immensely in finding myself. I am grateful for the opportunity to pass on these learnings to future generations across the world, not just India, through the HSTD platform.
Thanks – so what else should our readers know about your work and what you’re currently focused on?
Himalayan School of Traditional dance brings to you the traditional dance forms of Bharathanatyam and Kathak in their pure form, available and accessible to one and all. It provides a platform to connect to oneself through dance, experience joy while appreciating the nuances and aesthetics of the classical art form, and progress towards inner transformation simultaneously. Art, by its very nature, transcends boundaries and allows the individual to expand gradually into cosmic consciousness.
Himalayan School of Traditional Dance is the first of its kind in that its primary goal is to spread harmony, connect people to the spiritual essence of this art form, and enable one to experience the joy of liberated existence. Mohanji’s message for HSTD is to “Spread harmony by uniting the aspects of Bharat – Bhaav, Raag, and Taal through synchronized movements of classical dance forms of Bharat to every corner of the earth.
If we knew you growing up, how would we have described you?
Dancing is my passion, my calling!!! Even as a little girl, I enjoyed playing the divine roles of Krishna, Radha or a Gopika in the plays staged by my Dance teacher, Kalaimamani Smt Jayanthi Subramaniam. Lord Krishna has always captured my imagination since childhood. His divine pastimes have and continue to inspire and fascinate me.
Dance allows one to unhook from one’s daily mundane routines and connect to the immortal stories of the divine. The art form provides a transcendental experience with ample scope for creativity and spontaneity. I would certainly recommend this art form to one and all. It teaches them to naturally move to soulful music or rhythmic beats and to fall in love with the stories of lore.
Contact Info:
- Website: https://himalayanschool.com/dance/
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hstddance/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HSTD.dance
- Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/HimalayanSchoolofTraditionalDance/