Today we’d like to introduce you to Rocio Loter.
Rocio, can you briefly walk us through your story – how you started and how you got to where you are today.
I always had a love for videography. I was constantly video recording my sister or friends growing up. I didn’t have much access to editing software back then but my pc used to have an app that I would edit my videos on. I started off doing slideshows or videos for middle/high school projects instead of a basic speech presentation, and as introvert it worked perfectly. I attended Amarillo College for Mass Communication and graduated back in 2015 and started a short web series shortly after called “Siblings”. Looking back at my series I can’t believe how horrible the comedy was and how drawn out it was. It was absolutely fun and I wouldn’t trade the experience I had for anything else. I am actually currently working on a film script for “Siblings,” so we’ll see how that goes. I was able to get some video jobs before I moved to Dallas. I did a video for my State farm Agent, which came out absolutely terrible but was fun to create. I created a video for Panda Express with the general manager’s permission even though the district manager at the time told me no because “I wasn’t professional”. As of right now, I enrolled back in school to refresh my memory and connect with other filmmakers in the DFW area. I am currently working on a live tv show pilot with Vince Vance as my first host, which we get to shoot December 13th of this year. Disregarding that it is Friday the thirteen, I’m hoping for successful shoot. Fingers crossed!
We’re always bombarded by how great it is to pursue your passion, etc – but we’ve spoken with enough people to know that it’s not always easy. Overall, would you say things have been easy for you?
It has most definitely not been a smooth road. Some say editing and scriptwriting come naturally for me but I can tell you without a doubt I have to put in some work. My brother also does video and edits for his clients. He is more of an extrovert so meeting people and getting work is much easier for him. I on the other hand hate to bother people. If you tell me no then I won’t push the subject. I constantly applied for editing jobs back when I lived in Amarillo, Texas and not many people gave me the time of day. I get told I’m not confident enough of my own work. Your hardest critique is yourself and I am extremely hard on myself.
We’d love to hear more about your business.
I used to do work under the name Skippytube but recently changed that to RocioAmelia because it identified who I am better. I recently got married and couldn’t decide if I wanted to change my last name or not because I am proud of where I come from and I wanted to represent that in the future in credits. Instead, I chose to just stick with my first and middle name. I specialize in video editing. No, not like special effects editing. That’s a whole different career choice, which my husband can do by the way. One thing that sets me apart from other editors is I can edit really fast. If there is something I don’t know how to do I’ll figure it out and still have your video done in no time. I would much rather edit than videography but I can do both if necessary.
What were you like growing up?
I was in that weird middle where I knew everyone and they knew me but I didn’t hang out with much of those people. I would have a couple of people who I constantly would hang out with but it really changed depending on my mood or situation. I was extremely school spirited. I can tell you I was easy to peer pressure not because I wanted to fit in but to just have fun. I used to dye my hair crazy colors at home and would wear my hair proudly no matter how stupid I looked. I literally have orange hair for my senior photos. My mom actually made my dye my hair black for prom so it looked normal.
Contact Info:
- Website: https://marqamelia.wixsite.com/rocioamelia
- Phone: 806-206-0270
- Email: rocioameliavideo@gmail.com
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rocioamelia/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/marq.roro
- Other: marq.amelia@gmail.com
Image Credit:
Instagram @eleanorjeep
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