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Meet Rogers Healy of Rogers Healy & Associates in Knox Hendersen Area

Today we’d like to introduce you to Rogers Healy.

Rogers, let’s start with your story. We’d love to hear how you got started and how the journey has been so far.
I am not a fan of cliché’ stories. In fact, they drive me crazy. So…if I was reading this, I’d be driven crazy.

Here’s the short of it—I didn’t find real estate. It was never on my radar. Ever. My dad sells life insurance. My mom was a school teacher. I was a lazy, video game playing, donut eating guy that just got by. And then, real estate found me. I felt ignited. I felt confident. The idea of helping everyone—literally everyone, got me excited. I tried running away from real estate a few times, but she just kept me loving me. I was only 21 when I pursued my career, and 17 years later, I’m grateful that I stuck with it.

After getting my real estate license, I quickly realized that I’m a deal guy. I love the rush of the negotiating and the close. Nothing comes close. That was my hustle. When I started, and still today, my team and I will go anywhere for a deal. I learned how to scale, how to grow our brand, and how to recruit and keep the right people.

I’ve been humbled more times that I would have liked, but it’s what was needed to keep me grounded. Its one thing to be a successful salesperson, but it’s a different game to manage successful salespeople. I’m grateful every day to be surrounded with loving, driven and compassionate people.

Has it been a smooth road?
Real estate is about as smooth as chunky peanut butter. The stuff that I would lose sleep over back in the day doesn’t phase me anymore. It’s a mental game, especially if you’re an extremist like me. I am an emotional guy, so I thought I needed to lead with my emotions when running a company. Wrong.

Once the mental rollercoaster ride of the instability of being a salesperson and a business owner plays out long enough, you learn to channel it and turn it into energy. We come to work every day knowing that it’s not going to go as planned. That’s great for people that struggle with the mundane.

Struggles to expect when building a brand in sales, or a business of salespeople:
1. It’s always more expensive than you anticipated.
2. It’s going to take longer to get “there” than you anticipated.
3. You’re never going to get “there.”

So let’s switch gears a bit and go into the Rogers Healy & Associates story. Tell us more about the business.
The Rogers Healy Companies consist of Rogers Healy and Associates Real Estate, Healy Property Management and Healy Global Relocation. The easiest way to explain it: we help our clients with all their real estate, property management and moving needs, all across the globe.

I’m most proud of the fact that we’ve got a faith based company, that’s drama free, comfortable and successful. Our personality and heart set us apart, and our work ethic is unmatched.

We’re known for doing things different with marketing, training and office culture.

How do you think the industry will change over the next decade?
I believe Dallas is a unicorn market and we have the ability to build and expand tremendously. I see the real estate industry staying steady over the next 5-10 years and many opportunities for people on all sides of real estate.

Contact Info:

Getting in touch: VoyageDallas is built on recommendations from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you know someone who deserves recognition please let us know here.

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