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Meet Rose Flores

Today, we’d like to introduce you to rose flores. rose was introduced to us by the brilliant and talented Marizelda Perez.

rose , can you walk us through your story – how you started and how you got to where you are today.
Well my story really starts when I decided I did not want to please anyone else and wanted to choose my happiness in being who I knew I was always. When I decided I wanted to transition from Male to Female was when I let go of everyone’s criticism and walk out the box that people had for me. I knew once I choose the path to happiness it was gonna be a long journey to get to where I want to be. It came with many trials and errors but I’ve come so far. Started transitioning when I was 20. Got my first surgery for my transition that I never thought I would get the opportunity. Which was a breast augmentation. 5 years later I was able to undergo Gender reassignment surgery to finally feel more in tune with my body. Following came to the present time of having body contouring to continue improving my mental health and disphoria. Finally I am at a place where my journey is coming to an end with one more surgery left. Every battle I have fought has left me to the happiness I am today. I live authentically me and I wouldn’t change it for the world.

Please tell us more about your brand, Rockabeaute
For the moment I don’t have a business of my own. I currently work for the company ULTA Beauty and am only there to complete my transition surgeries due to the amazing insurance they have. But I would like to promote a friends business that has helped me in my recovery of my recent body contouring surgery. That is Rockabeaute Body Bar. She has an incredible business helping out women with post op recovery or holistic approaches. I’m so proud of her and she deserves the world. Her business is set apart because of her kindness and her approach to every client. She truly cares about people and wants them to have the most confident body with the experience she has. She will continue to grow I know it.

So, as we mentioned to our audience earlier, you were introduced to us by Rockabeaute Aesthetics and we really admire them and what they’ve built. For folks who might not be as familiar, can you tell them a bit about your experience with Rockabeaute Aesthetics .
We met on Social Media. To be exact it was on Snapchat. It was maybe like a year or 2 years ago. I can’t remember exactly. I know I would message her here and there with the amazing results she would post. Once I decided I wanted to pursue body contouring as a procedure I spoke with her regarding her being my nurse and traveling with me for my post op care. Post op care consistent with helping me with day to day stuff as preparing meals for me. Assisting with medications, showering, attending to my wounds, and the most important part were the lymphatic massages she would do twice a day. She assured I got into my faja (compresión garment) to insure I would retain the best results out of my surgery. Her knowledge about recovery and all her help and support she gave me was crucial for the week and a half we were together in California. She made sure that was the surgery blues would come around, she would come with her excellent positive energy to cheer me up. She gave me so much reassurance during my post op recovery so I could heal a such a better rate than I normally would have. If I’m being very honest if wasn’t for all that she did I would have recovered the way I did. My anxiety would have been in chaos. She is the sweetest most caring person you would find and I was looking to experience all the great things from her. Even after coming back home to Grand Prairie. She continues to do my massages and continues to encourage my helping giving me hope throughout the week. I don’t think you could find a better person for any post op care needs or holistic approaches. I will forever continue to go to her until my healing is completed and for any future surgeries. It has created a friendship with her. I have so much love a respect for her. And she is gonna do amazing at anything she puts her mind to. I believe in her cause she believed in me.

Instagram: Itsroseaurora


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