Today we’d like to introduce you to Alexander Alvarado
Hi Alexander , we’re thrilled to have a chance to learn your story today. So, before we get into specifics, maybe you can briefly walk us through how you got to where you are today?
Hello, my name is Alexander Alvarado and I have been in the Barber & Beauty industry over 25 years behind a chair , in front of the chair on stage and in the classroom teaching , learning and expressing my love for the industry I’ve never thought that I would be in this position that I am now I own two barbershops and a Barber & Beauty Institute and this is hard to come by with someone having two felonies on my background and a negative youth lifestyle. Raised in the heart of East Dallas Texas was an experience like no other ! Growing up in the streets of East Dallas was not an easy task either It was a survivor mode. Late 80s early 90s was a fun but dangerous times. anyone that survived those days in East Dallas I salute you and I see the toughness durability and being able to cope with things in life . I was forced to do something with my life , do to my criminal activities , probation and court orders . Never in my life I thought I would ever be doing hair , but somehow I ended up at Fort Beauty School a cosmetology school at that ! I don’t do cosmetology.” I don’t do women hair that’s for colorful people”. I can highly appreciate now the blessings and learning that I’ve gained from joining cosmetology and later on becoming a barber crossover, and eventually a barber/cosmetology, instructor, and that is where I found my passion teaching helping guiding giving back has become my purpose in life using this platform to do so. Owning my own bar, and Beauty School has really opened my eyes to the industry and how much more I can do to help grow and master my students in the craft that they’re seeking my goal for my students is to guide them in the skills that I’ve had acquired throughout my 25 years so that they don’t make the same mistakes that I made in life or in this industry and that they can be whatever they want to be with so many options in the Beauty and Barber field. Now that I am a master educator Barber and cosmetologist the biggest reward has been seen my student succeed become someone that they’ve always wanted to be find themselves and become blessings to the world. I thank God and I would not change it for the world and I just hope to continue Blessing all my students with my talent love knowledge and watch them flourish. I know that they came from and represent RBBI.
Would you say it’s been a smooth road, and if not what are some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced along the way?
It has been hectic for myself due to my actions! Being a convicted felon is not easy in the USA. There are so money restrictions and closed doors for convicts. It did slow me down but never stopped me from moving forward, I have it the best to my ability payed and doors just started opening left and right because of my determination
As you know, we’re big fans of you and your work. For our readers who might not be as familiar what can you tell them about what you do?
I have always been very artistic and visual about things . I’ve learned to speak in front of audiences to represent myself. I was blessed to be hired in professional salons where I stood out as a male figure in the industry. Conducting and surrounding myself with professionals in this and other industries has opened my eyes to how successful this industry can be
What matters most to you? Why?
Giving back and helping others! It is my purpose and passion in life to see others succeed and do good in life . Its more rewarding than any paycheck or $$
Contact Info:
- Website: https://Rbbitx.com
- Instagram: Riverside Barber & Beauty Institute
- Facebook: Riverside Barber & Beauty Institute
Image Credits
Riverside Barbershop
Riverside Barber & Beauty Institute