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Rising Stars: Meet Cora Dunn of Collin County/North Dallas

Today we’d like to introduce you to Cora Dunn

Cora, we appreciate you taking the time to share your story with us today. Where does your story begin?
I grew up in an abusive home and that lead me into an abusive marriage as an adult. During that time, I was all over in my careers, I was in the beauty industry, volunteered in several youth focused community outreaches, special education, behavioral health, all I knew is I had a passion for people and their personal growth. I always saw the beauty of humanity and I was always driven to help others see the purpose they brought to this imperfectly perfect world. After going on my own personal growth journey, I got out of my first marriage with my son and we began a better beautiful life, and I went back to school for esthetics. After getting licensed I went immediately back into education teaching none other than esthetics. This led me to open a private spa, Moonlight Energy & Esthetics located in the comfort of my home giving people a unique level of comfort and personable space. I was able to incorporate the wonders of universal energy work into my facials offering people something they couldn’t get anywhere else.
Even still, my partner of 3 years and myself knew there was something missing. Community! We had a vision to create a space where people of all backgrounds and business types whom understood the power of energy and intention in their work could have a space that embraces and encourages love, peace, joy, and unity. We wanted to create an environment that solely focuses on supporting each other and building each other up rather than the typical corporate cut throat competitiveness you see everywhere else. A place where people could go and know they were getting products and services that real people poured their heart into. From that Moonlight Energy Expo was born.

I’m sure it wasn’t obstacle-free, but would you say the journey has been fairly smooth so far?
Smooth road? No, not at all. Growing up was a challenge being homeless as a child a few times. Then during my marriage, food, housing, bills paid was always a struggle. I had no friends due to isolation from my spouses need to abuse and control and no family to lean on due to the toxicity of my childhood. Nevertheless I had a baby boy to take care of and I always tried to make sure that he would always have anything and everything no matter the sacrifice. Many sleepless nights and many meals missed. This effort to provide for my son had me bouncing around from career to career always trying to further myself and make money to support him while being able to be present and raise him myself, that was a huge priority of mine. But I always kept my head high and moved forward. After working on myself and my personal journey, I finally gathered the strength to get out of my marriage. That was a huge financial, mental, emotional and physical struggle. All of this while going to school and being a single mother. Not that I ever had support in my marriage to begin with. In this process, I met my partner and he has been a huge support system. Together we have grown in our lives as a family and as individuals.

Appreciate you sharing that. What else should we know about what you do?
I’m known for being me. That’s the most simplified answer I could give. I specialize in people and loving people. That’s why I love energy work so much. You can unveil the mask everyone puts on, and get a glimpse of each person for who they really are deep in their core. I am so invested in people being ok with just being human and embracing the beauty that humanity really brings to this world. That’s what drives me. Yes, there is evil in this world and people make really poor decisions that can affect masses. But even most (but not all) of those choices are rooted in those individuals being lost in this world and not having the ability to walk in the core of their true being. I believe we as humans belong together. We belong in a community, we belong in a village, we need that true human connection that comes with love and acceptance even during all the mess of growth. Even flowers have to move through the dirt before they see the beauty of the sunlight. So, let’s move through the dirt together and love and embrace that process.

What were you like growing up?
Growing up I was curious, driven to learn all the how’s and why’s, constantly seeking answers for things. I was artistic, always singing, dancing, drawing, and telling stories to kids around me. I loved people always seeing the good in everything. I had a strong desire to be a part of some form of family although that need was never really met as a child. I was always interested in helping people feel beautiful and feel loved and empowered. To know their voice and feel the power of their words. To own the purpose they carried. I was always willing to give out hugs and kisses, sing a song, read a story. Making people laugh was a comforting thing for me so I was very silly and goofy. I never got embarrassed for myself but I always brought comfort to those who did. I would dive deep into very personal intellectual conversations with anyone and everyone, being told I had an old soul and was wise beyond my years by many. I just truly loved humanity. In my preteen and teen years I was frequently referred to as “little mother” because of my comforting, calming, and nurturing presence. I always wanted to make sure everyone was comfortable, fed, well rested, loved and enjoyed but above all feeling joy and finding pleasures in the small things in life. Even simple things like a silly face or funny sound deserves the joy of smile or heartfelt laughter.

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