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Rising Stars: Meet Erick Estrada

Today we’d like to introduce you to Erick Estrada.

Hi Erick, we’re thrilled to have a chance to learn your story today. So, before we get into specifics, maybe you can briefly walk us through how you got to where you are today?
I got into doing the things I’m passionate about, after working in a corporate setting for 6+ years. I come from a first generational family; born and raised in El Salvador. Seeing the obstacles my parents have had to overcome being undocumented, has made me the person I am today. Living undocumented means living in a world full of “no’s”, and the day DACA was announced… I got my first yes. I started working at the age of 15, and haven’t stopped ever since. I knew once I got the green light, it was time to go all in. My main goal was to learn about how the economy works, how finance works, and how long term wealth is created in order to  improve my family’s way of life.

As a kid, I loved to skateboard and follow the culture that came along with it. One of my favorite skateboarders was Rob Dyrdek, and as corny as this may sound… He has created an empire. Skateboarder, gone multi-millionaire entrepreneur. He brought his family up with him too! This spoke heavily to me. While watching endless youtube videos as a teen, or being on a podcast for hours, I realized that one of the few ways to create generational wealth is through investing, real estate, or growing and scaling your own business. All of those categories can potentially work hand in hand.

This made me want to go deeper into entrepreneurship. As a first generational kid, I didn’t have anyone to teach me the ropes, or tell me how to save or make money other than working a job. So for this reason, I decided to go to college to Major in Finance and Real Estate due to the grown interest in the subject through my teen years. I thankfully got the opportunity to work in the financial industry while in college, and take advantage of the tuition perk the company offered. Although both had to be full time, that was my ticket to college. After getting my Associate’s Degree, the price of schooling got more expensive, and my job only covered so much. My parents begged me to stay, but at this point, I had gotten promoted from my position, and felt as I was doing well at my age. I told them to save their money, and save the stress. “The same money and time I invested in my schooling, can be invested in my business.” That’s when my journey began, and The Cactus Co. was created. A year and a half went by, and after being in the finance industry for 5 years, it definitely took a toll on me. It let me realize that; this wasn’t what I had my life set on. I realized I had skid off the path I was setting myself up for all these years… to be an entrepreneur. In April of 2021, I quit my full time job to be a full time entrepreneur. I started my Real Estate journey the same month and have been working towards my dreams ever since.

Would you say it’s been a smooth road, and if not what are some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced along the way?
I wouldn’t say it’s been a smooth road at all, but I have been prepared for this. I’ve had my off-road gear equipped. I’ve lost people along the way. I’ve lost pets along the way. I’ve lost friends. I’ve gotten laid off jobs. I’ve made mistakes, but most importantly learned from them and never repeated them. I, unfortunately, lost one of my closest family members due to suicide, and due to that it has put the idea in my head to never give up. No matter how hard it gets, you can never give up. I’m a big advocate for self-care, and taking time for yourself. Our body speaks to us, and we should listen to it. It’s okay to take a break sometimes, and just breathe. Just take some time to literally just, exist. Don’t be scared to ask for help, and be open to it.

What do you like best about our city? What do you like least?
The people, the culture, the food, and the infrastructure. There’s nothing else like it. I love it. I love the fact that you can try something new to eat every weekend, while keeping it diverse. Dallas is such a magical city where people don’t care about what you have to say; we’re going to do it anyways. And honestly, that’s where the diamonds come from. In any industry. Whether its food, music, dancing, singing, rapping, you name it.

We’re all here. City of creativity and dreams. If it wasn’t for my favorite things here in Dallas, I would’ve left due to the LEAST thing I like about my city though. That is, I hate the weather here. I love the cold, and Texas is notoriously hot. So when summer comes around… I don’t want to go outside. I lived in Virginia for a few years where I got to experience 5+ inches of snow, and walk to the bus stop in said snow. I love layering clothes, and in my opinion, I feel like the best outfits come from layering. (Don’t slander me please) In the winter you can always keep stacking clothes, but in the summer you can only take off so much.

Thanks – so what else should our readers know about your work and what you’re currently focused on?
I like to think of myself as a creative. I create a few things within the realms of real estate, and clothing. I am a licensed Realtor in Texas, but I am also the owner of an online vintage clothing boutique. I sell nostalgic collectible clothing to a very specific niche, and also sell houses! Haha, I am a creative in the aspect of how I run both of my businesses. I create every single piece of content, and curate product for both businesses. I think one thing that sets me apart from most is my upbringing, and how I keep it 100% authentic to myself in all aspects of life. I go with my gut feeling because no one knows you better than yourself. Once people tap into that part of their body, the possibilities are endless. I’m most proud of the growth, and progress I’ve made at this point of my life despite the obstacles I’ve had to face. I thank God everyday that I made it another day healthy and with a roof over my head. I’m currently known for being a licensed Realtor in Texas, and also being the owner of The Cactus Co. I specialize in entrepreneurship.

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