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Rising Stars: Meet Gabrielle Dunn

Today we’d like to introduce you to Gabrielle Dunn.

Gabrielle, we appreciate you taking the time to share your story with us today. Where does your story begin?
Saint Akir x Gabrielle originated in 2020 at my kitchen table. I first got the idea to start a business due to my love for expressing myself through fashion – a way to speak without saying a word. I first started with making jewelry because I think of it as the final touch, the one thing that ties everything together; sometimes the make or break. I wanted and still do work as hard as I can to make my brand something you feel like you cannot live without. After hitting the one-year mark, I wanted to expand my brand, but I wasn’t sure which way I wanted to go. I decided that I wanted to dive into making custom jewelry, first starting with initial necklaces and worked my way up to making any vision come to life. After my two-year mark, I took a step back to regain my vision of what I really want Saint Akir x Gabrielle to be while still working on outside projects. It’s very important to me that my brand matches my vision and aligns with who I am at the core. I am 6 months out from my 3-year anniversary and I am buzzing! I am so excited to share my vision with a team of people who love fashion and making a lasting impression just as much as I do. 

We all face challenges, but looking back would you describe it as a relatively smooth road?
One of my favorite things about myself is that I have never allowed my dream(s) to feel TOO big, TOO unrealistic, TOO unattainable. It’s all about how much you want it and how hard you are willing to work for it. I have had my fair share of shortcomings and failures, but sometimes that’s what it’s about. I have learned sometimes you have to fail in order to succeed. 

If the road you’re on is too smooth, well then, it’s too easy and nothing you want is too easy to obtain. 

Alright, so let’s switch gears a bit and talk business. What should we know about your work?
I like to think of myself as a jack of all trades, but mostly a creative. I love to express myself in any way, whether that’s song writing, singing, painting, jewelry making, or photography. I specialize in jewelry and I am known for my wide range of initial jewelry. 

What sets me apart from others is that instead of going with the grain and following the path of others, I have created my own lane. 

We’d love to hear about any fond memories you have from when you were growing up.
Ohhh this is a good one! My favorite childhood memory would have to be when my family and I went on a road trip to Branson, Missouri. We stayed in a little cabin in the woods; I remember it having orange carpet and retro TVs…ahh what a dream. We went to silver dollar city, barbecued, and stayed out by the pool until the sun went down. 


  • $11.11
  • $30.00
  • $50.00
  • $100.00
  • $500.00

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Image Credits

Sara Eberle

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