Today we’d like to introduce you to Jenice Johnson Williams.
Hi Jenice, we’re thrilled to have a chance to learn your story today. So, before we get into specifics, maybe you can briefly walk us through how you got to where you are today.
My background is in journalism and marketing — I love telling stories and getting to know the parts about people that are otherwise hidden or missed. Over the years, I learned about different avenues of spirituality and explored what they meant to me. I spent a lot of time looking within (I still do) and getting closer to Spirit.
The idea of Art Is Life has been something that has stuck with me for over two decades. There is a lot of history of the concept for me, but what I believe with every part of me is that everything we do is art — no matter what it is. How we sip our tea. How we treat people, what we do for the people we love. It’s all art, and it matters.
I opened Art Is Life Studio in 2015 as a place for people to feel safe, not judged, and could be themselves. It was centered around art, healing events, and photography. I closed my doors in 2018 after the birth of my first child but always knew that I would open something again that focused on helping people — mind, body, and spirit. I opened Art Is Life Cafe in October of last year with that in mind. We offer coffee and snacks for donation only until we expand to another location someday to run a fully functional but tiny cafe that offers all that we do and the opportunity to experience local art!
Alright, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall, and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
Not one bit! Nothing about pouring your sweat, heart, and soul out is a smooth road if you’re doing it right! Starting a business isn’t the easiest thing to accomplish, and like any other business, growing pains often look like financial needs, having the time and energy to make things the best they can be, and staying as positive as possible through the challenges. But there is so much wisdom and growth you get from the hard stuff, you know?
Alright, so let’s switch gears a bit and talk business. What should we know about your work?
Everything I do is about intention. Whether it’s a candle, a bit of jewelry, a coffee I make, putting together herbs and sprays for you to clear your space, or the intuitive consults I do. It’s very important to me to show up fully in my integrity and with the intention to help you in your wellness — spiritually and/or otherwise. I help people get started on fitness and health routines as well, and I’m so proud of what my clients have accomplished on their journeys! I consider myself your spiritual wellness and health bestie, and I believe that sets me apart because I help, lead, and guide with empathy, not superiority.
What is also a little different is that we do all this in an 8×16 sky-blue shed with a porch in front of a Mexican tienda. We are the only black woman-owned metaphysical shop in Kaufman County! The shop isn’t a full-blown cafe right now, but that is the vision for our future. Naming it before it happens fully is some brave intention-setting! Hah!
How can people work with you, collaborate with you or support you?
I believe we ALL can eat! That means there is room in this world for everyone to thrive. What I can’t stress enough, however, is the understanding that the time I spend with you is important to me. I have often been very generous with my time but have realized that filling my cup is crucial before I can fill yours. And to that end, this means that collaboration should feel like an equal footing for us both! This should be advice we all take to heart. Don’t discount your time! It’s true currency and MATTERS. Other than that, booking time with me or purchasing my products on my website is always appreciated!
- Intuitive Consultations: $111
- 30-minute Oracle Card Reading: $60
- Small Selection of Crystals: $3 to $80
- Intention Candles: $3 to $45
- Clearing Sprays: $5.55 to $9.99
Contact Info:
- Website: www.artislifecafe.com
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/artislifecafe/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/artislifecafe