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Rising Stars: Meet Meghan Truman

Today we’d like to introduce you to Meghan Truman.

Hi Meghan, thanks for joining us today. We’d love for you to start by introducing yourself.
Hello, I’m a local Fort Worth mom, and like mothers across the world, I quickly learned that the precious moments we share with our little ones fade all too fast.  It was the realization that photography was one of the best ways I could capture these fleeting details that lead me to becoming a photographer. While I photograph a range of different clients, my true passion is capturing the family. I believe the family is the focus of why we are here on earth, which is why I also make it the focus of my business.

My photo sessions involve me giving gentle prompts to the parents and kiddos to help create natural and genuine interactions I can capture in camera. This allows me to fill my client’s gallery with the tender, often unnoticed acts of love within a family. The way a little girl’s head rests on her father’s chest, or how a young boy’s eyes light up when his mother pulls him in close. Freezing these emotions in timeless images is what fills my soul, and has allowed my business to grow to where it is today.

I’m sure you wouldn’t say it’s been obstacle free, but so far would you say the journey has been a fairly smooth road?
In many ways, the growth of my business has been a smooth journey. Where it has become difficult is knowing the best way to balance my time as client inquiries continue to increase.

I struggle in knowing the best ways to allocate my time and figuring out the balance of being a mother, wife, and business owner. As I mentioned earlier, the family is the most important thing for me. Above all else, I cherish the titles of Mother and Wife, and I long to fulfill those roles to the best of my ability. I know the struggle of finding a good work and home life balance isn’t unique to me, and I find strength in connecting with my clients and other women who are on a similar journey.

Thanks for sharing that. So, maybe next you can tell us a bit more about your work?
Of course! What I try to accomplish the most with my work is creating timeless images that truly display the love within a family. What allows me to do this, and often times sets me apart from other photographers is my ability to create and capture genuine connection.

I love being able to find different ways to connect with my clients. While I work with such a wide range of individuals, after every session I always feel like I just made a new friend. Being able to create an easy and effortless connection between myself and the client takes away any awkwardness or stress that might naturally arise, and lets my clients focus solely on loving on their loved ones, and letting me and my camera do the rest.

I love capturing the connection between family members. For every session I always ask myself, how can I best capture this special time of life for my client? How can I best tell this part of my client’s story? What can I do to help preserve all the love and details? With this focus, my client galleries become rich in meaning and contain emotion-filled images. Their galleries are treasures, and their value only increases with time.

Do you have any memories from childhood that you can share with us?
Oh geez, this is a hard questions. I can’t think of a specific FAVORITE right now. However, one that definitely comes to mind, and pertains to what we’ve been discussing, is when I went on an adventure with my dad when I was about 6 years old.

I call it an “adventure” but really it was just a two or three mile walk. Yet, as a little girl, anytime I went anywhere with my dad (especially when snacks and a Winnie the Pooh backpack were required) it was an adventure! As we were walking through the parks and neighborhoods there was a big lot that was under construction. It was a Saturday morning, so nobody was working on the house, but there was a big track hoe parked right next to the sidewalk. I remember talking to my dad about how cool I thought it was, and he told me to go see if I could fit in the claw/bucket. If I crouched down low enough, I could fit myself, my backpack, and my big ponytail and scrunchie inside!

As I was crouched down my dad rummaged through his backpack trying to find the camera (this was back in the day when cellphones didn’t double as pocket cameras like they do today). He was sad because he couldn’t find it, and realized he must have forgotten to bring it on our adventure. However, what makes this childhood memory significant to me is what he said next. I remember him looking down at me and saying, “Ok we don’t have a real camera, but we can take a picture with our minds. I want you to look around you and try and memorize all the details. Memorize the moment so you can look back and remember what you saw and how you felt.”

Crouched down, holding the straps of my Winnie the Pooh backpack I did just that.

Now, decades later, when I think back on my childhood memories, I always remember crouching in a giant metal claw with my dad smiling down at me. I’m sure there are many different reasons why this memory always comes to mind, but I believe part of why it is such a core memory is because I was actively trying to capture the moment. I wasn’t looking at life through a passive lens, but rather I was making the effort to remember, to preserve, to hold on to all the details of this precious moment with my dad.

It’s this same desire to actively look through the lens of life, and preserve the little details, that I approach every session. I appreciate VoyageDallas for reaching out and wanting to share my story, and I hope to be able to work with all of you in the future!

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Image Credits

Sarah Leana

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