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Rising Stars: Meet Remon Johnson

Today we’d like to introduce you to Remon Johnson

Hi Remon, so excited to have you on the platform. So before we get into questions about your work-life, maybe you can bring our readers up to speed on your story and how you got to where you are today?
I got my start in 2008 as an artist; making music and performing at showcases around the city. As I started making my rounds, I noticed there wasn’t many platforms or outlets in the city that supported local/underground/independent artists. I also noticed most of the platforms that did exist and mainstream media outlets seemed to promote some of the most negative aspects of urban culture. So, my first business venture was a website that was designed to support and promote those who I considered to be the newest and brightest talent in music, art, style, and entertainment. Over the years, the media outlet opened doors for me to partner and work with many businesses, events and charity organizations. Radio, television, business, event promotions; I’ve lowkey been involved in a lot of things. But, that’s a brief history of Remon.

Would you say it’s been a smooth road, and if not what are some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced along the way?
No, it absolutely has not been a smooth road. And that’s for anybody, right? While you’re working, building brands and winning awards; while you’re making moves and making a difference, life is happening. Life comes with many highs and lows and a lot of twists and turns.

I’ve dealt with personal struggles like my health, for example. For years, I was struggling with health issues that made it difficult to get through the day; much less trying to get work done. And when I wasn’t dealing with the symptoms from my disease, I had to deal with the side effects from the medication. That takes a lot out of you. I’ve dealt with loss. My friend, the founder of a company I worked with and helped build, was murdered. Those are just a couple of personal struggles. I’ve had many losses and setbacks on the professional side as well. The struggles are just as much apart of the journey as the success. You can’t really have one without the other. But, in those times of struggle you find out what you’re made of. You find out how bad you want it. You find out if you really believe what you say you believe. You say you believe in God, or you believe in yourself, right? Okay. Well, when the struggles come, you’ll find out if that’s true.

Can you tell our readers more about what you do and what you think sets you apart from others?
I think my video work is the thing I’m most known for. I’ve done promotional videos, interviews and even a little bit of real estate, I’ve helped direct and produce short films and television segments. What’s up next for me is a documentary I’ve been working on that I plan to release this year, in 2024. Outside of the video work that I’ve done for my website, most of the projects I’ve done were collaborations with other people. This is the first project on this scale that I’ve done all by myself. From start to finish, conception to birth, it’s all on me. It’s been a learning process and I’m excited to see it come to fruition. I think of all the projects I’ve worked on, this is the one I’m most proud of. Not just because of the work that I’ve done but because of the story and subject matter. I think it’s really going to help someone. As far as what sets me apart, it’s me. I set me apart. I’ve never been a follower. I’m my own man, with my own perspective and my own ideas. I’m not trying to do what anyone else is doing. I’m not trying imitate anyone else or copy anyone else’s formula. When I succeed, I want it to be because I did MY thing; not because I did a really good rip-off of someone else’s thing.

So maybe we end on discussing what matters most to you and why?
I remember one of my friends asking me what I was most afraid of. It’s not death, because we all have to die at some point. That’s not a matter of “if”, it’s a matter of “when”. My biggest fear is not even failure because I believe that’s temporary and you can bounce back from that. The thing I’m most afraid of is life without purpose. The idea that you can wake up everyday and not have anything to look forward to or feel like you don’t have a reason to live. The idea that you don’t make an impression on any of the lives you cross paths with or don’t make an impact on the world around you. The idea that you can live your entire life, however long that is, leave this Earth and leave no sign that you were ever here. That’s scary to me. I don’t want that. I’m not trying to be famous, but I do want to bring light to lives I interact with. That’s what I believe I’m called to do; be the light of the world. So wherever I go, whatever I do, I want that light to shine. And when I’m gone, I want to leave that light with the people I’ve crossed paths with. That’s what brings purpose to my life and my work. I don’t ever want to lose that.

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