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Rising Stars: Meet Taylor Alyssa of Dallas, Texas

Today we’d like to introduce you to Taylor Alyssa

Hi Taylor, so excited to have you with us today. What can you tell us about your story?
I’m Taylor Alyssa, a 21-year-old influencer and print model, as well as an aspiring esthetician based in St. Louis, MO—shoutout to the 314! It’s hard to believe how far I’ve come in just four years. Those years were some of the toughest of my life, and it was incredibly challenging to see beyond my immediate struggles.

Since I was young, I’ve always found myself guiding and encouraging others, whether it was helping with makeup decisions, choosing outfits, or offering support through tough choices. However, it took me some time to fully understand my purpose and where I fit into the bigger picture.

The challenges I’ve faced have been significant, but I’ve realized that I’m not defined by these difficulties. Instead, I’m defined by how I’ve made it through them. Each obstacle has contributed to my strength and resilience, and I’m deeply grateful for the personal growth these experiences have brought me.

Modeling and influencing have opened doors for me, but they are more than just roles; they are platforms through which I strive to connect on a deeper level. My mission is to inspire others to look beyond the surface and to appreciate the inner beauty within themselves.

Now that I’ve been in Dallas for almost two years, I see how my journey is coming together. My goal is to uplift and show love to the underdogs—those who feel overlooked or underestimated. Through my work as an influencer and model, and my future career as an esthetician, I want to highlight the inner beauty and strength in everyone. I aim to demonstrate that it’s not the struggles we face that define us, but how we rise above them.

Alright, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
The road hasn’t been entirely smooth for me. I’ve faced many internal transitions and navigated various challenges along the way. One of the biggest struggles was discovering my passion and being patient with myself as I grew. I learned that what I want to do might change over time, and that’s okay. Now, I have a clearer idea of my goals, but I’m working on being consistent and allowing things to unfold naturally.

Social media has also had a significant impact on me. It taught me that success isn’t a race and that I need to focus on my own progress in the present moment. This perspective has helped me shift my focus away from comparisons and towards personal growth, which has been incredibly valuable.

As you know, we’re big fans of you and your work. For our readers who might not be as familiar what can you tell them about what you do?
I am an aspiring esthetician with a long-term goal of becoming a cosmetic nurse. Over the past few years, I have worked as a runway model, but recently, I have shifted my focus to print and commercial modeling. Additionally, I have been actively involved in the influencer space, where I create relatable and motivational beauty content.

What sets me apart is my authenticity. I believe it’s important for people to see more than just a pretty face. Through my work, I aim to share my story and my heart, showing that my journey and who I am today didn’t happen overnight. I’m proud of my strength and my commitment to seeing things through, despite the challenges I’ve faced along the way.

Who else deserves credit in your story?
When it comes to my journey, I have been blessed with tremendous support from several key people. First and foremost, I owe everything to God—we’ve been locked in through it all. My family has also been incredibly supportive. While they were sometimes nervous, they always encouraged me and provided a safety net for which I am very grateful. I also want to acknowledge my sisters from another mother, who came into my life during some of my lowest moments and provided invaluable support. Lastly, I’d like to give a shoutout to my agency, Texas Glam Studio Agency, for their continued support and belief in me.

Contact Info:

Image Credits
Instagram @the_nikon_icon
Instagram @donsnapz
Instagram @mo_storyteller

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