We are thrilled to be connecting with Terrance Brashun again. Terrance is a CEO, Executive Producer, Creative Designer and is also a content partner. Content partners help Voyage in so many ways from spreading the word about the work that we do, sponsoring our mission and collaborating with us on content like this. Check out our conversation with Terrance below.
Hi Terrance, so great to have you join us again. For folks who might have missed our earlier conversations, can you please take a minute to briefly introduce yourself?
My name is Terrance Brashun, CEO of Classic Villain Music Group. I started the Classic Villain brand in March of 2015. Originally, it started with me just making prints out of things I would draw and from there I just expanded the scope of the brand. I’ve always been a writer and a creative so I brought that to my brand. I began to design shirts with the help and advice of Brian Begley and then I added snapbacks because that’s usually how I shop. When I buy a shirt, I like to get a hat to go with it so that’s typically how I do my designs as well. I’ve been a writer all my life so I started self publishing my own books and distributing them through Amazon. I had the idea to create a sports show with my best friends so I set out to do it on my own and put it out on YouTube. I have a degree in Visual Communication so anything you can think of doing visually, I’m able to do it. All it takes is a little bit of effort and an idea that needs to be brought to fruition. I try to use all the talents God has blessed me with. I’ve been doing music since high school so last year during the pandemic, I decided to finally start my own official label. Now, I am the CEO of my own label, I am the creative designer behind all my clothing designs and artwork for my brand and I am the executive producer behind 3 shows – a sports show, a behind the scenes show and a docu-series.
What’s new? Since we caught up with you, what projects are you working on now?
Right now I am working on an EP with a friend who is in the armed forces entitled “Brothers In Arms”, I’m in the beginning stages of writing a one man show for a friend and in the development process for my next series.
Can you go into detail about what inspired this (these) projects?
Last year with the whole BLM movement and racism being brought to the forefront, I put out a series on YouTube called “Black Veteran” where I interviewed 4 veterans from the Army and let them tell their stories of racism, favoritism and sexism while serving in the armed forces. I did that series to lead up to the release of my poetry collection called “Black Veteran” as well where I wrote a number of letters to black men killed by Police in poetry form. Then I released a collection of clothing called “Black Veteran” as well so “Brothers In Arms” is a continuation of me sharing my military experiences and stories with the public, only now in musical form. The one man show that I’m writing is a way for me to help my best friend get his feet wet in the acting world while at the same time helping to expand both of our portfolios and resumes. The show will be loosely inspired by one of my favorite short stories and something that I actually went through in real life. Last but not least, the show in development is a passion project that I think will be dope for the public to view once I flesh it out and it’s inspired by some shows that I’ve watched in the past but I think I can do a little bit better of a job at getting it done.
When are you looking to release your current works in progress?
“Brothers In Arms” will be out before the summer is over. It’s taking me a minute to finish it with boys wasting studio time since everyone got a stimmy and they tax return. The one man show and the series are pending but hopefully I can have one or both finished and delivered by this Christmas if not sooner.
Where will these projects be available for the public?
“Brothers In Arms” will be available on all digital service providers with all the rest of my music. The one man show will most likely be on the Classic Villain YouTube channel to optimize it getting to a wide variety of audiences and hopefully the series will get picked up by Amazon Prime this time. They declined “Black Veteran” based on the content so since this is a little less controversial, it should make its way onto their platform. If not, I’ll take it to Patreon.
What’s so special to you about it?
I think what’s special to me about these projects are that I’m shining light on things that people experience or go through in different ways. “Brothers In Arms” will take you into the experience of a person from boot camp to living and dealing with life while enlisted. The one man show will be about a relatable topic but told in a way that’s captivating to the audience. The series will show you something you might have seen before but it will take a deeper dive into what the subject matter is and deliver a point of view from various perspectives. So all of them have been done before at some point, just not delivered in the way that I’m trying to give to you.
What’s next for you after this?
After these three projects, I’ll be diving into another passion project for an EP and working on my next book, which will also be my first novel.
It was so great to reconnect. One last question – how can our readers connect with you, learn more or support you?
To stay up to date on everything, the best thing you can do is check out www.classicvillain.com. Thats the direct link to everything that I have going on. You’ll always see it mentioned on there. If you must take the alternate route through social media, you can find me at the following links:
Contact Info:
- Website: www.classicvillain.com
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/classicvillainbrand
- Twitter: terrancebrashun
- Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCj6xS0jtQZL0k67nX9_jxsA
Image Credits:
Jessicka Trapani