The editorial team has a special attachment to our new series, The Trailblazers: Rewriting the Narrative, because so many of us feel that media portrayals of women have been too one dimensional. Today, women are doing incredible things in all fields – from science and technology to finance, law, business, athletics and more. With the Trailblazers series, we hope to highlight and celebrate female role models, encourage more equal and just representation in the media, and help foster a more tight-knit community locally helping women find mentors, business partners, friends and more.
Below, you’ll find some incredible trailblazers from in and around Garland that we hope you will check out, follow and support.
Jazmine Balderrama

Becoming pregnant at 19 was no easy task. I was pursuing an education degree at UNT, and I was not prepared to be a mom at that time! Everyone knows a baby completely changes your lifestyle, however my baby girl also helped me find my hidden talent. Hailey Isabella was born January of 2017 and gave my life a purpose larger than I would have ever imagined. Read more>>
Alyse Warren

My friends would say I’ve always had a knack for interior decorating, but I’d say my interest, turned passion, really began when we built our first home in suburban Rockwall, TX (March 2015). As first time homebuyers, our wish list was much more ambitious than our budget. Read more>>
Kendra Nottingham

I’ve always had a passion for helping others. I fell in love with cycling shortly after being diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis in 2014 and was driving over 30minutes every week to seek out not only a fantastic workout that was safe for my joints. Read more>>
Carmen Sauceda

I realized I didn’t love it and my friend at the time knew how much I loved the beauty industry. She was about to start cosmetology school and said I should too. Once I started I fell in love and knew I wanted to be in the industry. Once I got into a salon I loved doing it all but I was most passionate about updos. Read more>>
Adrianna Garcia

As a little girl, I always remember playing with my mother’s makeup when she wasn’t around. Putting everything back in its places before she came home from work. It never worked because for some reason moms always found out everything. Read more>>
Jessica Spencer-Gardner

Fitness and sports have always been part of my life. I grew up in a very active family and fell in love with basketball at an early age – the teamwork, competition, fast-paced skill, and strategy of the game is what drew me in, and ultimately, gave me the passion to play in college. Read more>>
Brianna Waslien

When I was a young girl, I would always have fun dressing up my little sister and having her pose for me to take photographs of her. I always loved being in front and behind the camera. As a teenager, I had a camera on hand for all events with my friends and would be the memory keeper. Read more>>
Aleshea Carrieré

I was eight when I experienced the outdoors for the first time. I was 10 when I sat in Mr. Qusenberrys Texas History class on Meadowknoll drive in Dallas, Texas, and my eyes lit up as he talked of The Battle of the Alamo. I was 12 when I kayaked in the Florida Everglades. Read more>>
Hannah Watson

I used to want to be a nurse, I had a school picked out, along with a degree plan, and had begun taking classes specific to my core. That was before everything sort of fell apart. In January of 2017, my dad became really ill. Read more>>
Jennifer Moya

I started off as going to a cosmetology school and we went over one lesson of cutting men’s hair. The same night I became curious on learning more. I began to watch YouTube videos all the time and seeing different techniques on creating a fade. Read more>>