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Check Out Jahnasia Booker’s Story

Today we’d like to introduce you to Jahnasia Booker

Hi Jahnasia, thanks for sharing your story with us. To start, maybe you can tell our readers some of your backstory.
My name is Jahnasia Booker (Jahnasia B.). I am a neurodivergent, multi-disciplinary creative. I have always been creative. Since I can remember, I have been crafty. From writing to designing clothes, to directing & filming documentaries, to interior design, I enjoy the process of bringing things to life. My most recent projects include Ancestral journals focused on helping neurodivergent folks manifest the life of their dreams; and document messages from Spirit and their Ancestral guides. Now that I have successfully created and launched said journals, I am taking time to rest and restore before I embark on my next project and/or adventure. I’m learning that resting is a radical act of self-care and it is not optional, especially as a creative and neurodivergent woman.

Alright, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
Ha! Smooth? It has not been a smooth road at all. When society’s structures aren’t built for you, it will be tough. Being a melanated woman has its’ own challenges, but add neurodivergence on top? Oh, darling you are asking for a good time.

It wasn’t until last year, that I discovered the difficulties I experienced at work or in social settings were due to neurodivergence, not depression and something being “wrong with me.” When you are a Black woman, you aren’t giving grace by society and even sometimes family. Your over stimulation, anxiety, or attempts at appealing “normal” is mistaken for “having an attitude” or being “stuck up.”

The more I learn about ‘gifted brains’ the less I feel like there is something wrong. I don’t feel ostracized. In fact, I feel more normal than I ever have before. Also, I am learning how to work with my brain and my energy flow rather than force myself to hustle and bustle. I am giving myself grace as I work on the most important project / adventure I will ever have in my life— me!

Appreciate you sharing that. What else should we know about what you do?
This is a very interesting question and I had to sit with it because I don’t “specialize” in anything. I follow my curiosity and create from that place. From fashion shows, to documentaries, to journals, to podcasts, to interior design, I follow my curiosity and create as I go. What I will say; however, is that my primary focus in everything that I do is spiritual alignment and radical self-acceptance and self-love.

What sets me apart from others? Hmm… I am my own secret sauce. I am learning to embrace this more as I decolonize and unmask. To be honest, I’m a naturally outspoken and inquisitive person; however, I’ve been shrinking and masking my entire life to make myself palatable for others. There are times of course when the ‘real me’ would seep through, but I would keep shoving her back in a box because I just wanted to be accepted. No matter how much I tried to hide her (my true self) she would eventually resurface. The difference between now and then is I am embracing me for all my quirks and gifts. What’s interesting is no matter how much I’d try to hide, people could always see the revolutionary, free spirit that I am. It’s just my time to see her and accept her for all that she is.

In a nutshell, my rebellious, free spirit is what sets me apart. It is the seat of my genius. It is what people have known me for and what they will continue to know me for. My hope is that my embracing myself with all of my chest will inspire others to do the same!

Any big plans?
My dream has always been to travel the world like Steve Irwin, and Eliza Thornberry. Adventure give me a rush, so I’m looking forward to my world wide voyage. I haven’t flushed out the details as of yet, but what I know for sure is that joy is my number one priority.

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